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TPD4 + iPhone 4 (640x960)

Does TPD4 version 3.1.643 support the iPhone 4 (640x960)?

I’m still using version 3.0.0 Build 634.

I’ve been extremely leery of upgrading to 3.1.643 because of the horror stories I’ve read here:


None of the panel types in TPD4 3.0 has screen resolution of 640x960 and I don’t see any mention of 640x960 in the notes for version 3.1.643.



  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    As documented in the website for TPC, installing the TPTRANSFER application (from them) patches your TPDesign library to include the iThing resolutions.
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    John Nagy wrote: »
    As documented in the website for TPC, installing the TPTRANSFER application (from them) patches your TPDesign library to include the iThing resolutions.
    I had already upgraded to the latest version of TPTransfer (1.1.71) and I don’t see anything for the iPhone 4 at 640x960 only 320x480 which is for the iPhone 3. Even the long list of resolutions for the Android doesn’t have an option for 640x960.

    I don’t see any panel type that supports 640x960. You do?
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    I haven't seen support for the iPhone 4 resolution.
    You could patch TPDesign yourself, but I'm not sure if that works for the TPControl application :)
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    Another thing might be to post this question to the company at their support web site, http://www.touchpanelcontrol.com/
    where they actively respond to support issues. As they've posted here many times, they do come here but not nearly as often as they are on their own support site.
  • You can also download a project with similar resolution and the TPC app will fill the screen with it. It has some options on how the project will appear on the iDevice. Personally i am loading projects made originally for either NXV-300 or MVP-8400/9000.

  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    papadouk wrote: »
    You can also download a project with similar resolution and the TPC app will fill the screen with it. It has some options on how the project will appear on the iDevice. Personally i am loading projects made originally for either NXV-300 or MVP-8400/9000.
    Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give that a shot.
  • Jorde_VJorde_V Posts: 393
    Joe Hebert wrote: »
    Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give that a shot.

    Or you edit the xml file containing all the devices, I've personally done that and this way it just says iphone4 for me ;).

    I've attached the configuration files for you, with a readme.
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    Jorde_V wrote: »
    Or you edit the xml file containing all the devices, I've personally done that and this way it just says iphone4 for me ;).

    I've attached the configuration files for you, with a readme.
    Cool. Thanks.
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    As a follow up here is the the definitive answer from the good folks at TPControl regarding the iPhone 4 - 640x960 resolution:
    TPControl wrote:
    ...the iPhone4 does not allow you to address those pixels directly when using GUI objects so in fact it operates largely at the original resolution but with double pixel density. The exceptions to this are with images where you can specially name one to have it in native resolution or with GL rendered applications such as full screen games.

    We have looked at changing the rendering model at some stage but its not hugely beneficial or practical because its almost impossible to build a usable interface where you make use of more space than the traditional iPhone

    ...build for iPhone and it will appear exactly as if built for iPhone4 screen resolution without touching a thing - its a bit of a cheat from Apple really.
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