Program Modules and Files residing on Master
Hello All,
Newbie here just entering the world od AMX programming ... looks exciting
I would like to identify my current device definitions and addresses <D:P:S>
I can telent into the NI-3100 and via the Program Info command I can see the various .axi and .axs files,
but when I FTP to the device ... I am not able to reach those files.
My FTP pwd is doc:/user
from the Program Info telnet command ... the axi and axs files are located
C:\Program Files\Common Files\AMXShare\AXIs\NetLinx.axi
How can I get to those files ??
Thanks in Advance
Newbie here just entering the world od AMX programming ... looks exciting
I would like to identify my current device definitions and addresses <D:P:S>
I can telent into the NI-3100 and via the Program Info command I can see the various .axi and .axs files,
but when I FTP to the device ... I am not able to reach those files.
My FTP pwd is doc:/user
from the Program Info telnet command ... the axi and axs files are located
C:\Program Files\Common Files\AMXShare\AXIs\NetLinx.axi
How can I get to those files ??
Thanks in Advance
- Do you have NetLinx Studio?
- AXI and AXS file are not sent to the master - they are compiled and it is used to run the system.
- Do you work for a company, or are you going to be a freelancer?
- If you are working for a company, are they planning on sending you to any formal training?
You can start with this thread but there are others.
It seems to me that you are trying to troubleshoot a system not programmed by you or the company you are working for or you have lost the source code of the project.
In that case you can extract the source code from the controller provided though that it has been downloaded in it. You can do that easily from the Netlinx Studio. If foor any reason the source is not available the only way to go is to start writing the program from beginning.
Correct .. The system was programmed by an external vendor.
I do have Netlinx Studio ... Any tips on extracting the source from the controller?
Thanks Again,
Yes .. I do have NetLinx installed on my PC
I work for a company that has the AMX contoller installed(NI-3100)
Training ... only if needed .. programming handled by external vendor
Thank You!!
I am able to FTP to this location ../users
I Think I need to access my file from at the root location ../
I was able to down load the main.tkn file form the root ../ because I knew the name of the file
Thanks again,
The binary of the running program is always named PROG.TKN on the master, and is located in the directory above where you land when you ftp in, so it will be ../PROG.TKN. If the source was sent to the master by the original programmer, it will be at ../PROG.ZIP. Actually, PROG.ZIP is always there, but if it's 246 bytes then it consists of a text file saying that there is no source available.
Note that if you are ftp'ing with a web browser (which seems to be the fashion in these dark times) you won't be able to look at the higher level directory because you won't have execute permissions to it. For the same reason, you also won't be able to do a directory listing if you ftp from the command line (i.e., `dir ..` will fail). But you can (from a command line, not a browser!) ftp in and get or put a file via something like `get ../PROG.TKN foobar.tkn` from the ftp prompt.
Thanks So much ... I now have my files.
It was the full Zip with the files