ICSLan device (EXB-MP1) not coming back online when rebooting Master

in AMX Hardware
Just installed an EXB-MP1 using the one RS232 port and I'm experiencing this anoying behaviour:
everytime the Master is rebooted, the EXB-MP1 will not come back on-line (in AMX list of devices) only and only if the EXB-MP1 RS232 port is connected to the device it controls.
Sometimes it will not even come back to the IP network, sometimes it will.
If I unplug the serial cable from the EXB-MP1 and power cycle it, it comes back online all the time.
If I unplug the serial cable from the EXB-MP1 and then reboot the NI, the EXB-MP1 comes back on-line all the time.
If I keep the serial cable between tv and EXB-MP1, turn the tv ON prior rebooting the NI, then reboot the NI, the EXB-MP1 comes back on-line all the time.
Note: the tv does not answer to any rs232 command if the tv is OFF - makes sense now with observations above.
I did not have time to test with other serial devices, just wanted to post the info out there and will definitely contact AMX support for what looks to me like a firmware bug.
Ni3100 has latest master firmware 3.60.453 and device firmware 1.30.8
The device behind the RS232 port of the EXB-MP1 is an LG tv 23" (btw, amazing to have a tv 23" on serial...)
Those d#@$ v1.0 products!!
everytime the Master is rebooted, the EXB-MP1 will not come back on-line (in AMX list of devices) only and only if the EXB-MP1 RS232 port is connected to the device it controls.
Sometimes it will not even come back to the IP network, sometimes it will.
If I unplug the serial cable from the EXB-MP1 and power cycle it, it comes back online all the time.
If I unplug the serial cable from the EXB-MP1 and then reboot the NI, the EXB-MP1 comes back on-line all the time.
If I keep the serial cable between tv and EXB-MP1, turn the tv ON prior rebooting the NI, then reboot the NI, the EXB-MP1 comes back on-line all the time.
Note: the tv does not answer to any rs232 command if the tv is OFF - makes sense now with observations above.
I did not have time to test with other serial devices, just wanted to post the info out there and will definitely contact AMX support for what looks to me like a firmware bug.
Ni3100 has latest master firmware 3.60.453 and device firmware 1.30.8
The device behind the RS232 port of the EXB-MP1 is an LG tv 23" (btw, amazing to have a tv 23" on serial...)
Those d#@$ v1.0 products!!
It has been a while, but in case anybody runs into this issue, a hot-fix is available by calling in AMX Tech support and asking for Hot Fix For the ICSLan Device Control Boxes v.1.0.57
I did confirm it fixed the issue as described in my post above.
Ugh. Moral of the story based on the last couple of years' experience, don't buy AMX products that are new to market until they have been out for at least 2 years.
Just to be fair to AMX, the issue was resolved with the hotfix maybe a month or two after I finally was able to provide actual voltage zreading between the different pins of the rs232 connection.
But I could not get there before a few months and then try the fix also a few weeks after AMX provided it to me as my client does not come often to this place where the issue happened.
Not to mention the issue seemed to happen on this particular model of LG tv...
Oh well, I think this is the nature of the beast (world of automation) we're dealing with.
A situation I'm not seeing to improve with more and more devices going to IP control and all that it implies (3rd parties and "4th" parties bugs and defects...).
Good luck to all of us!
That's everyone these days. There is so much pressure to get things to market, they bank on it being less costly to fix bugs and flaws after the fact than to lose the sales for getting out of the gate fast. It's just a fact of modern marketing.