NXD-7 Panel white screen after failed Firmware upload
in AMX Hardware
My firmware upload failed and now the 7" Panel shows a white screen upon bootup
I cannot access the setup screen. This occured after the firmware upload stopped for no reason.
Any ideas to factory reset it somehow?
My firmware upload failed and now the 7" Panel shows a white screen upon bootup
I cannot access the setup screen. This occured after the firmware upload stopped for no reason.
Any ideas to factory reset it somehow?
I had a similar problem the other day, re-powering fixed the issue.
One important note here, if you swap CF cards the card MUST have the same firmware version.
There is an EEPROM on touch panels boards that is flashed when the firmware is upgraded.
If the EEPROM and the CF have different versions you can have spurious results.
A new CF card may fix it.
You can do it yourself, it quite easy.
It's worth a shot since cards are so cheap.