PowerPoint Slide Advance
I would like to give the ability to advance PowerPoint slides from Netlinx. I know there was an Integration release a while ago, but as i remember, it doesn't support newer versions of PowerPoint.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
I would like to give the ability to advance PowerPoint slides from Netlinx. I know there was an Integration release a while ago, but as i remember, it doesn't support newer versions of PowerPoint.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Does Serial Keys still work in the later versions of Windows?
Have you worked with Girder before? It is relatively easy to get remote key presses up and running?
Ohh good point, I'm not sure if serialkeys works in windows 7.
Not personally, but I've seen it recommended repeatedly. SerialKeys appears to be Windows 2000 only according to Microsoft's KB article.
The Win Vista accessibility info page has a couple of alternatives, I havent tried either but the AAC keys program seems to be suitable. It is free to download but they do ask for a donation to the AAC Institute.
The other was buried in the website, but SKEYS also implements the same basic command structure as AAC Keys.
As I remember that only works up to PowerPoint 2003???
PowerPoint specific functionality will only work up to PP2003 and i!-PCLink PowerPoint has been discontinued as a result. But Windows keyboard/mouse events etc. generated from i!-PCLink Web should still work, so it's likely that a solution can be found using PCLink Web.