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VNC Client - aka G4CC in AMX touch panels

Would be nice to have the same function as G4CC where you can define a window display a VNC client.
Even if it would be just ability to call another iPad app (now we're talking!) within the TPControl since there are already other VNC app already available (VNC Lite, iTeleport ...)


  • jimmywjimmyw Posts: 112
    Pep_SD wrote: »
    Would be nice to have the same function as G4CC where you can define a window display a VNC client.
    Even if it would be just ability to call another iPad app (now we're talking!) within the TPControl since there are already other VNC app already available (VNC Lite, iTeleport ...)

    You cannot call another app to display inside of another app. Every ipad app plays in its own sandbox, and you cant share sandboxes. That being said you can call another ipad app via a URL.
    Also some standard schema HTTP are intercepted before launching safari
    http://maps.google.com/maps? launches google maps
    http://www.youtube.com/watch? or http://www.youtube.com/v/ launches youtube, etc
    A good way to implement this feature would be for TPControl to support a new TPC only command, such as
    just the same we we can loopback internal to the tp4 file to enable and disable TPCLockout we can make buttons that call our office, email us, or more.

    Edit, as soon as I posted this I found this page: http://wiki.akosma.com/IPhone_URL_Schemes

    Edit again, While on the topic, can we add intent calling at the same time for all us android users? TPCINTENT-"com.android.settings","com.android.settings.fuelgauge.PowerUsageSummary"
    it would allow all kinds of good functionality from within android, even buttons that would enable and disable sleep mode, turn on or off 3g/4g etc, and empower the androids TO UTTERLY DESTROY AND HUMILIATE THE SILLY PEOPLE WHOSE USE FRUIT BASED PRODUCTS!!!!

    Ahem, What I mean to say is it would allow us to totally integrate TPC into the sole app needed on an android tablet, combined with TPCLockout.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,744
    That stuff is so cool, they should have done it by now. Oh wait, they did -

    For iOS and Android.
    Just some of what is there if you click TOOLS in TPTRANSFER.
  • jimmywjimmyw Posts: 112
    John Nagy wrote: »
    That stuff is so cool, they should have done it by now. Oh wait, they did

    Man, I couldnt find that last night, but it seemed so familiar!

    I should not be on the forums after 32 hours straight of work I guess.

    We should still add ability to call android intents :)
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