Problem to connect via WebControl or VNCViewer
in AMX Hardware
I was able to connect to my master with WEBControl or VNCViewer but now each time I try with WEBControl the main screen appears but when I click nothing happens and my master freeze.
With VNC, I have this error : unable to connect to host: Connection refused (10061)
I realize maybe it's since I install Virtual Keypad and now I try to remove that but when I try to connect to my master with FileZilla, I need a user and a password. I never set this user/password...
Thanks to help me
I was able to connect to my master with WEBControl or VNCViewer but now each time I try with WEBControl the main screen appears but when I click nothing happens and my master freeze.
With VNC, I have this error : unable to connect to host: Connection refused (10061)
I realize maybe it's since I install Virtual Keypad and now I try to remove that but when I try to connect to my master with FileZilla, I need a user and a password. I never set this user/password...
Thanks to help me
username == NetLinx
password -- password
I don't know what should happen if you try to connect to your master via VNC as I don't believe the master has a vnc server -- and I don't know why it would. Typically the master's web server will facilitate connection via VNC to touch panels connected to the master. I believe it sets this up when you load your code, but I can't recall for sure. In any case, access to the touchpanels' vnc servers through the web interface does not always work properly. In my opinion, and that of others as well, you would be better served by downloading one of the available VNC clients and connecting directly to the TP that you desire to control.