Migrating database for Composer
I recently have had to upgrade my work PC to Windows 7 from Vista. I have not yet re-installed Composer (I only have one ISX-200 out there, and though it's OK for now, it's certain to need updating soon). When I do, how can I transfer my messages so I don't have to recreate each one? I had to do a clean install of Windows, but I imagine the old files are in the windows.old backup. Where is the database stored ... can it be simply moved, or will it have to be imported? Or is there a way I don't know about to pull it off the sign?
You probably want to call into Tech Support on this one, but I do not think there is a written guide for this. In the past, we have exported the data from the old SQL database, and then imported that into the new Composer Server Database. Ultimately, it is like any other SQL database migration.
As I understand your situation though, you have already reformatted the machine and exporting data from the prior installation may not be possible. The data is contained in the C:\Data folder on the player, but there is no method of using that to stuff it back into Composer Server.