Anyone else seeing this bug?
In I accidentally unchecked the "automatically select reboot when sending a TKN file" in the preferences dialog and now, even though I've rechecked it, it is never getting checked. So I am constantly uploading code to a master that won't reboot once the file has been transferred. Talk about annoying! I almost never remember to check that box before a transfer, since its not even normally visible in the transfer dialog. Whatever you do, don't uncheck that box or you'll regret it. I will probably have to reinstall to get it to work properly again. I've suffered quite a bit of egg on my face when I've promised clients I've fixed something and yet the problem still exists because the master didn't reboot. Arrgghh!
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AMX Corp.\NetLinx Studio\Batch Transfer User Options
And inside of there is TKN Reboot value.
But that doesn’t sound like the same TKN Reboot that would be tied to the File Transfer preferences or maybe it is.
I’d uncheck mine as a test and then change the registry but there is no sense in both of us having messed up preferences.
I’ve never changed that file transfer option so maybe a key is only written when you change it for the first time?
Whatever the case thanks for the heads up.
Are you using Duet modules?
I did see this but honestly just wrote it off as one of many bugs I was seeing in this version. It and all the other bus I've seen went away when I wen back a back a couple versions. Fortunately for me I noticed it while remotely workinig on a system where we had a tech on hand working on the head end rack anyway. He was able to power cycle the master for me. But, yeah, it's a really annoying bug.
After that, all is well again until I upload the tkn again, remove the duet, and its fine.
I can confirm that it is. Make sure to check in both HKCU and HKLM. This is also an option for the FileTrasfer2 software.