Hey AMX, why no "Real" Virtual Panels?
I don't know what everyone else's experience has been but I feel like we are getting killed by the other company in the Virtual Panel arena. I work for a company that does both AMX and the other guys, and the other guys are selling alot more based on their ability to do "fully functional" virtual panels for VERY little cost. Where as we have to pay big bucks for hardware or a 3rd party solution. I am worried that I will have to become a programmer for the other guy's system so I can stay employed. What is the deal AMX? Don't even get me started on the products that are being discountinued without suitable replacements available.
What I mean is a web or "executable" touch panel that is not arbitrarily limited to a low number of ports and channels. Like what is offered by that company which shall not be named.
It has never really taken over the TP because it is just not 100% reliable. They suffer from system upgrade incompatibilities and the usual problems with keeping all the necessary plug-in, flash, active x, etc versions happy.
They're bet used on a 'get in, do what you need to do, get out" basis.
AMX does have a little box that aloes you to Web or VNC into it that's not too expensive but it's not the XPanel.
Dont forget that you can always save a short cut to the NI controller web page and show the users how to use the VNC connection to the TP. I only work in commercial and government markets and no residential as well. I show this to most customers as a way to control the system without being in the room. Most use this to have IT or Reception bring the system needed online prior to presentation or meeting remotely so they can continue working without having to be disturbed. Most clients are impressed with this. I have offered TPC to several customers and have not sold one yet, most are not interested in it.
Have you tried using this on a modern computer? The ActiveX control AMX uses doesn't work on newer operating systems.... not even XP with current updates.
I put xpanels and the free version of the iPad and iPhone apps into every single of the oppositions jobs, sometimes it is just for setup and diagnostics and I don't even tell the client.
It also makes programming much easier when you don't need a physical panel.
I created a basic Yahoo widget years ago and used that for a while, I posted it on these forums when I created it.
I'm not even sure if PCLink still works though, I got over widgets and stopped using it a long time ago.
You can always create PCLink GUIs in Visual Studio or your prefered IDE (if the ActiveX component still works).
At the end of the day though it is a financial decision and AMX must think that they will loose more revenue than they will gain by releasing a version of G4 Preview that can connect to a master.
This is my whole point in starting this post. I am becoming increasingly frustrated by AMX and their poor decisions. They are lucky is still hate Craptron more.
We've also instituted panel-to-panel VNC for customers to monitor their other homes. You get all the video windows and such, they love it.
Can you elaborate on how this is accomplished? Thanks!
We programmatically supply the target and credentials to the button when we open the page. We have a list of desired targets in a data file, so the user picks what they want to connect to from a menu before we open.
Same process allows the panel to manage applications that offer a VNC based UI, like the Wine Sommelier program that was popular a few years back.
Same tp setup used for computer control, just use ip of another tp instead of pc.
What about TPControl? Can an iPad view a VNC server like this?
I have tpc and i use iTeleport onmy iPad v1 but not at the same time.
If you're asking about CC while using tpc i would suppose that would work, never tried though.
ANSWER: As of it looks like this does not work. It just shows a blank button, not even the "connecting.." text. Hopefully it is something they will be adding.
I've heard no comments from anyone at TPC about VNC services at all... so it if is on the table for the future, it isn't openly discussed.