NI-700 Device Firmware upgrade issue.
in AMX Hardware
Hi all,
I think the answer to this will be.... send it back to AMX, however I am on a customer's site and it'd be nice if I could find a fix.
I have 4x NI-700 (32mb) processors on this particular site. Each had the following firmware:
Master Firmware: 2.96.218
Device Firmware: 1.01.124
I have set about upgrading the firmware on these units to the latest version. Each unit took the master firmware (3.60.453) as expected with the required extra reboot however only two units accepted the device firmware (1.30.8).
The two which didn't accept the device firmware gave the following statement on the upgrade screen:
Transfer Complete, waiting for the device to finish the upgrade (or words to that effect) and never completed. After about 15 mins I restarted the processors and found I was still stuck at 1.01.124.
I have tried numerous times to get these up to date, including rolling back the master firmware and trying to step up the device firmware but they are stuck at 1.01.124.
Does anyone have any suggestions about how to deal with a stubborn processor or is it a post it back jobby??
Thanks in advance for the help!
I think the answer to this will be.... send it back to AMX, however I am on a customer's site and it'd be nice if I could find a fix.
I have 4x NI-700 (32mb) processors on this particular site. Each had the following firmware:
Master Firmware: 2.96.218
Device Firmware: 1.01.124
I have set about upgrading the firmware on these units to the latest version. Each unit took the master firmware (3.60.453) as expected with the required extra reboot however only two units accepted the device firmware (1.30.8).
The two which didn't accept the device firmware gave the following statement on the upgrade screen:
Transfer Complete, waiting for the device to finish the upgrade (or words to that effect) and never completed. After about 15 mins I restarted the processors and found I was still stuck at 1.01.124.
I have tried numerous times to get these up to date, including rolling back the master firmware and trying to step up the device firmware but they are stuck at 1.01.124.
Does anyone have any suggestions about how to deal with a stubborn processor or is it a post it back jobby??
Thanks in advance for the help!
If it works I will let you know!
If I recall I rolled back the master a time or two, maybe four or five times and loaded the dev which then doesn't show up until the lastest master firmware is loaded. Finally some combination of steps worked and I then loaded the current system program which wouldn't run. Not enough memory left. I had no duet mods and with duet memory set to 8m (the max on this beast) the program wouldn't fully boot up and if I set duet memory to 3m (lowest) the program would boot but the program wouldn't run properly. Hours spent getting the dev to load and in the end it was pointless and I then couldn't find a complete not duet firmware set to roll back to. Oh happy day!
I've rescued many a hard drive this way. On a related note, I've also salvaged quite a few reels of old analog recording tape by baking it in the oven.
I know this sounds silly, but when loading the device firmware, are you using device 5001? I've caught myself a couple of times where it won't take...
If you haven't yet, disconnect the power for a few seconds after device reboots from device firmware upgrade.