MET-ECOM Firmware Instructions?
Posts: 4,368
Got these instruction in
How hard is it to read and proof something before it's published?
Necessary tools:
NetLinx Studio 2 (NS2)
Network connection information
Necessary files:
1) Extract the zip file
It should produce two kit files "SW2180_MET_ECOM_KIT_v1_01_15.kit" and "SW2180_MET_ECOM_KIT_v1_01_20.kit"
Note: The file SW2180_MET_ECOM_KIT_v1_01_20.kit is not needed for this procedure but is included as a
convenience in case a downgrade is desired.
2) The MET-ECOM/MET-ECOM-D is upgradable from any released or hotfix version later than v1.01.15
(a) Boot the MET-ECOM and configure a connection to NS2
(b) Ensure that the reboot device button is checked on the Send to NetLinx Device firmware transfer page
(c) Download SW2180_MET_ECOM_KIT_v1_01_20.kit
(d) After the upgrade is complete and an NI-Controller connection is re-established verify that the MET-ECOM is at version v1.1.20
How hard is it to read and proof something before it's published?
Get'n real sloppy!