Save Files to m2m
in AMX Hardware
I can write file out and store to my local master but how can I write files to another master. Better yet a server? Can we authenticate active directory authentication? IF so how?
To a 3rd party server I guess there's just FTP.
active directory authentication, no clue.
What would the path be to ftp to the other master? That's all I need...
This would be as simple as setting up a VPN on the remote network and then just uploading the file with any garden variety FTP client or windows browser. You could also open up a port on the firewall of the rouer to allow for access to the remote master on port 21. I would NOT do this however as it would be a huge security risk. FTP is an easy protocol to 'brute force' your way in. Given enough time a simple bot program can guess the password.
The method being described by Vinning is nice since it's essentially sending the raw data of the file from one maser to another and reconstructing the file at the other end. To the outside world it's just silly data being transfered from one device to another on a silly port. You could even come up with your own encryption method to further protect the file if you were so inclined.