NI-3100 IR/Serial light out until firmware update
in AMX Hardware
ok, I pulled out an older ni-3100 and booted it up, still had an old program on it; i noticed when i boot it and reboot it over and over, the 7th IR/Serial led would not light up... I never actually tried pulsing anything on, so im not sure if the port was bad or if just the LED was out... but I updated the firmware to use it for current development. and upon booting now, all LED's are good again.
This just seems weird to me, has this sort of thing happened to anyone before? could this be firmware related, or could the old program somehow cause a bootup issue... <-- I know sounds implossible, but yes, I dont know thats why im asking...
This just seems weird to me, has this sort of thing happened to anyone before? could this be firmware related, or could the old program somehow cause a bootup issue... <-- I know sounds implossible, but yes, I dont know thats why im asking...
Any older NI's that we updated firmware on acquired the same behavior.
I don't remember which version it was but the problem has been fixed and the boot up display has even changed some since then.
Cool, well good to know im not crazy! Its an interesting bug...