Master doesn't appear to take new source code
I have a problem with an NI-3100 running the latest firmware. when I perform code changes, it appears to take the code just fine, but then when it is tested, none of the changes seem to be present. in this latest case, I added an IR command that was supposed to be sent anytime a the source is being changed. In watching device notifications, I see all the commands come through except for the new ones I added. Last time this occurred, I needed to essentially "clear" the master memory and then upload again. I'm hoping to not have to replicate this process anytime a change is made.
I'll make changes, compile, upload and notice that the changes didn't seem to take. If I do a Debug->Verify TKN on Netlinx Master it tells me that they do NOT match.
So I have to do the process again (which annoys the hell out of me 'cos I hate waiting for these things to reboot everytime).
This happens a LOT.
By the way, I'm not on the latest version of Netlinx Studio - I'm still running after rolling back due to other issues with latest version.
I'm not sure if this is what the OP is experiencing however!
So, I guess if all else fails, run the clean doc command to wipe the master, then reload it once more.
I found out how persistent really is... ie. even after firmware update and reloading program. If the variable name is the same, despite adding or removing values, it will just skip over that array in its portion of memory for persistent objects.
What I do in that case is load a dummy program then reload your program and good as new, the new values comes through or removed values are gone.
In this case, wouldn't doing a clean disk through the telnet prompt and then reloading also work? This would seem cleaner then downloading a dummy program and then updating again.
Even after factory reset and firmware update the information was still there, AMX told me the memory used with persistent variable is separate from all others, and is cleared with loading a new program with variable that dont match the names of existing ones loaded.
So to answer you question, no a reset doesn't erase it.
Nope, reason be, if you want to keep your program up and running and all its settings, but want to reboot, or update firmware, etc.. or even software update but keep your data/settings intacted.
Isnt that kind of the point of Persistent?
If you want a variable to hold its value between power loss, use NON_VOLATILE
if you want a variable to hold its value between software reloads, use PERSISTENT
NON_VOLATILE uses the values defined in the program to set its initial value on program reload, and holds that value between reboots
PERSISTENT uses the INITIAL value defined in code, only on the first load, from that point on, all changes made to source and loaded are ignored!
I understand that, and in reading my post I see I wasn't clear. Ultimately, the problem is that this results in the new file not being uploaded. I don't think there should be any piece of data (variable, array, etc) that could potentially prevent your new data from being uploaded.