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Firmware version 4: Where is it?

Has anyone heard any rumors about firmware version 4 for any processors besides the DVX line?

As you recall they released NetLinx Studio v3.3.525 in August of last year which added new math functions, SMTP support, and a logging API meant to replace the use of "SEND_STRING 0". In the release notes it noted that these additions required NetLinx Master firmware version 4 or higher. I assumed then that the new firmware was right around the corner. Unfortunately it's been nearly 6 months and so far only the all All-In-Ones have seen any attention.

All these new functions are things I'd love to get my hands on. I was considering dropping a line to tech support to quell my impatient curiosity as to what the delay could be, but I thought I'd check in here first.


  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,744
    It's in the 256meg NI's too. At least we've seen it in them, it may not be in all.
    V4 requires a minimum of 12 meg DUET memory and is large in itself. This will prevent some large programs in "standard" memory NI's.
    It looks promising in our tests, does a lot more. Going to take some getting used to.
  • John Nagy wrote: »
    It's in the 256meg NI's too. At least we've seen it in them, it may not be in all.
    V4 requires a minimum of 12 meg DUET memory and is large in itself. This will prevent some large programs in "standard" memory NI's.
    It looks promising in our tests, does a lot more. Going to take some getting used to.

    I wondered if that might be part of the reason; Fear that they're gonna get flooded with issues when people update their firmware and it eats up more than their code can handle.

    If they're shipping with the new firmware, then maybe I can just ask for it...
  • Nothing really useful, just a couple of observations....

    I've used it in a DGX16, and the duet memory is set to 90M by default. I didn't try any of the new Netlinx keywords on it yet, but I will say the duet module I am using on that project will not load. The same program runs great on a NI-3100 on the most recent 3.x firmware. I have run into this before with master firmware, and it turned out to be an incompatibility with the new duet version.

    The DGX16 also seems to take longer to connect to NS for diagnostics, control, emulation, etc., but is fine once connected.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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