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Led Video Processor 603S+

Hi all,

There's anyone can help me to solve this problem ?
I want to control LED Video Processor which using RS232 port the product is LVP603S+

this is link for your guide

I think this product doesn't have good documentation, maybe someone have experience communicate this product with AMX, please share with me.... I need your help

I have try this command :
send_string (device),"'zzmkxxxxxy',$0D" <-- this command for VGA output
result is "device no respond"

Thanks and regards

Novi Andriyansyah
Indonesian ACE Programmer


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    aksyalaksyal Posts: 21
    please help me guys
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    jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    Have you verified the baud rate of 4800?
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    aksyalaksyal Posts: 21
    Hi James,

    I have Verified the Baud rate with 4800 with this step :
                send_command dvLVP603,"'SET BAUD 4800,N,8,1,485 disable
               send_string 0,"'the LVP603 says --> ',data.text"
    for verify the notification from AMX, I was use telnet and notification in netlinx

    from telnet :
    send_command dvLVP603,"'GET BAUD'"
    and I received :
    LVP603 says --> baud 4800,none,8,1,485 disable
    If I took baud 4800 and I send any command I have no feed back if I send any command
    if I took above baud 38400 and I send any command I have feedback from device FF FF FF FF FF FF
    if I took baud 115200 and I send any command I have feedback from device FF FF a2trdj}FF DF

    so anyone can solve this problem please share with me
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    jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    The protocol does not mention a carriage return ($0D), try not removing it.

    For example:
    send_string dvLVP603,'zzmkxxxxxy';

    Also, for code examples, please use the code tags as it makes it much easier to read.
    [$code] <-- remove dollar symbol
    Some code
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    aksyalaksyal Posts: 21
    jjames wrote: »
    The protocol does not mention a carriage return ($0D), try not removing it.

    For example:
    send_string dvLVP603,'zzmkxxxxxy';

    Also, for code examples, please use the code tags as it makes it much easier to read.
    [$code] <-- remove dollar symbol
    Some code

    Hi James,

    Unfortunately, until now I can't control that equipment :(
    I have already moved "$0D" and try all baud rate but I don't have any result

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