Resolution Hell - Rant

in AMX Hardware
So I'm looking at the resolutions of the new & existing panels, and here's what we have:
MXx-2000XL: 1920x800
MXx-1900L: 1920x530
MXT-1000: 1280x800
MXT-700: 1024x600
MXD-430: Unknown (Cannot find on website)
NXT-CA7 / MVP-9000i / MVP-5200 / MVP-51x0 / NXD-500i / NXV-300: 800 x 480
MVP-8400i / NXx-1200: 800x600
NXx-1500: 1024 x 768
NXD-430: 480 x 272
AMX has done a great job over the years with keeping the resolutions pretty much the same, but what bothers me is look at the top five new panels. Four out of the five (only because we don't know what the MXD-430's resolution is) new panels' resolution are different. Seriously?
MXx-2000XL: 1920x800
MXx-1900L: 1920x530
MXT-1000: 1280x800
MXT-700: 1024x600
MXD-430: Unknown (Cannot find on website)
NXT-CA7 / MVP-9000i / MVP-5200 / MVP-51x0 / NXD-500i / NXV-300: 800 x 480
MVP-8400i / NXx-1200: 800x600
NXx-1500: 1024 x 768
NXD-430: 480 x 272
AMX has done a great job over the years with keeping the resolutions pretty much the same, but what bothers me is look at the top five new panels. Four out of the five (only because we don't know what the MXD-430's resolution is) new panels' resolution are different. Seriously?
Hmm, no 430 - but there is a 500? (The link's broken though...)
Right hand, meet left hand.
(I'm not saying, I'm just sayin')
AMX just wanted to give you a little taste of what the C world has to offer you.
With panels this size, its not as critical as it once was. Going from 800x600 to 800x480 was a bigger deal due to the loss of real estate and the need to keep button sizes at a minimum size. Once panels get larger, minimum button size isn't an issue and so there is usually more than enough real estate. I'm guessing the panels will look better so that may be worth it.
I don't see how a bigger tool set can be a bad thing. You don't need to use every tool in the box just to use it, only when needed. You may find that some clever programming with these panels solves some long term issues regarding page flips and real estate. We shall see...
I would definitely be into the other x series panels but the panoramic seem like alot of extra work for a resi installaion.
How is this significantly different in end result than TPD4's ability to scale, stretch, or copy panel projects to other resolutions with independent control of font, bitmap, pages, and aspect?
Doing it in the authoring tool gives you the opportunity to tweak or replace parts that you would NOT have if the panel did it.
TPControl very nicely stretches or scales any project to fit any screen, yet there are often advantages to making a native project for some resolutions.
I do have to say that TPD4 does not do ideal bitmap resizing. The results are blockier and much higher file size than they need to be. When it's bad enough to do something about, I fix this by exporting them before resizing the panel, batch resizing the images in photoshop or similar, and importing to the new sized panel to replace the ones that TPD4 did. Only takes a few minutes if you know how to batch.
I love it when the poster answer their own questions...
My point is not for in-panel scaling. It's for more than one resolution. I don't mind making more than one file.
Tee hee
Yes, it's a pain, but it's also the nature of the beast. I just need to get the salesmen to realize they can't estimate the job out like it was the same panel all around. It's a lot of work tweaking panels to be "just right" in various sizes.
I agree its a lot of work for the different resolutions and sizes. Both make a difference to the usability. You need a minimum button size before it gets annoying, but on large panels, large buttons start to look Fisher Price like. If we didn't have to use these damn eyes and fingers to control things, it would be a lot easier.