Send String to Remote Master

I feel like I I've already learned the answer to this, but I could've sworn I've sent strings to a remote master's telnet session using "0:0:2" or whatever, but while trying that out today, it clearly doesn't work.
I know it's simple enough to do a regular virtual device and funnel strings from that to "SEND_STRING 0" on the "collection" Master, but that just seems silly when I can just as easily define "dvMaster2 = 0:0:2" and send_strings to that.
Someone tell me why I'm wrong. And does anybody have a better solution?
I know it's simple enough to do a regular virtual device and funnel strings from that to "SEND_STRING 0" on the "collection" Master, but that just seems silly when I can just as easily define "dvMaster2 = 0:0:2" and send_strings to that.
Someone tell me why I'm wrong. And does anybody have a better solution?
If you are sending strings via a TCP/IP port (0:2:0 and above) You have to have a listening process on the target master.
If you can post some of your code up I can take a look at it and offer suggestions.
I've never tried sending something to a remote masters console but if you can't reference it directly using a virtual as a proxy sounds like a pretty simple functional solution. Wrap it all up in a module / include and forget about it. I'm not sure if it will work with the local console as it's not a 'real' device but you could try using redirect_string() to handle the proxying.
-Nick (on Tapatalk)