NI-700 lockup as standalone
in AMX Hardware
FYI- If you drop code on a non-networked NI-700 without first changing the network connection to static. The controller will lock up for 3-5 minutes before the program becomes active. During the lockup the input light remains on and the controller is unresponsive to RS232 connections. I called tech-support with the problem yesterday and they didn't know what would cause this scenario. Now I know. - Set network connections first to static. Apparently the master locks up while waiting for a DHCP response that never occurs.
We had a home show we were doing where a spare NI-3000 was running a shade and intergrating lights,etc... I couldn't figure out why it took 3-4 minutes between reboots tweaking the timing. Later I did find out why from somewhere..
Kevin D.
Kevin is correct - there is nothing unique about the NI-700 and this problem. I have see the problem with NI-2000 and NI-3000 controllers. As for the Tech Note, it is buried in Tech Note 362 (and perhaps others) where the various Master LED states are described. A fast blink Master status LED means that the IP address in the Master is not set or has not been acquired properly from DHCP.
I could not find any Tech Notes on why it takes 3-4 minutes to give up
So if your master hasn't to hookup into a network, just give it any static IP (by terminal or from Studio), to speed up the boottime.
- Chip
One other funny thing I had happen once. I had a master that was manually configured from the start, but absolutely refused to connect properly to the customer's network. I could access it directly from a local connection using it's IP, but from the outside no amount of twiddling with forwards on the router would convince the router it even existed. Neither could it get out on the Internet to use i!-TimeManager or i!-EquipmentMonitor. I eventually went back to the site, set it to use a dynamic IP, saved and rebooted, then changed it back to exactly how it was set before with the static IP. All was fine after that. I can only assume there are some hidden data fields that get set on a DHCP connection that you can't fix manually...I can't imagine what they would be, except possibly an internal routing table of some sort, though you would expect putting in static values would clear that.
Extremely frustrating. Fortunately I get along well with our IT folks, and they don't mind me using static IPs in a certain range... 99% of our installs are simply a master, switch/access point and a panel on their own private net, so I never have a reason to NOT use static addresses for those.
- Chip
I'm have random problems with several NI-700's where they intermittantly cease all Network functions, but if I plug into the RS232 port, it's still running the program.
Seems to happen after I do any changes and down load it. After 5 - 15 minutes networking functions just cease with no warning. After a few reboots the problem dissappears - which tends to shake the confidence somewhat......
Master IP is Static with gateway set to router address so I can access them remotely. Can't ping it and ports 1319, 23, 21donot resond, but the little beasty is still processing it's heart out - shame it can't talk to the lighting system though!
Any ideas or suggestions guy's?
I need to use Static IP's as several devices communicate with the master via TCP/IP which don't have the ability to resolve the IP address.