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Still need to clear user pages when loading R4s?

a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
I thought this bug was fixed but even with the latest firmware I still get that ACK error when trying to load an R4 over USB. Only by clearing user pages does it load. I have the smart transfer selected in the transfer dialog box and I am wondering if using a different setting might work. Any one had any luck getting smart transfer to work with R4s?


  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    The manifest checking process to find what is different in the loaded vs loading project takes too long, so it times out. With the very smallest of panel projects, it might work, but time saved in such a case is literally seconds. So it's a waste to even try, as it is likely to fail and go offline and make you wait again.

    A clean start and full transfer only takes a little longer anyway.

    TPControl originally had this same feature in TPTRANSFER. It took a minute or two to check the manifests and decide how to do it "smart", and it worked, it did not time out. However, since a full load of even a massive panel project takes only 15 seconds, they removed the "smart" options.

    Best to imagine the choice isn't there for an R4.
  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    It has worked in the past as I recall. I find it highly annoying, especially with the mandatory 5 second wait before you can hit the darn button.
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    I loaded a new R4 with a new project just this past Friday (and I'm typing this on Monday), and did not have to clear the pages.
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