I have a multi-master system that I've inherited where the remotes are processed on one controller and the devices are tied to IR ports on another. I assume that set_pulse_time should be set on the master calling "pulse", not on the one with the physical port? If true, I don't have the source code for that master, is there any way to call this function over the network via send_command? I haven't been able to find anything.
If I may advise you something, use of IR with SET_PULSE_TIME is really poor programming way to do ! You should use the command CTON/CTOF to set ON and OFF lengths on IR ports, and SP or XCH to pulse IR on ports. Be careful CTON/CTOF commandes are specific to each IR port.
I will generally only use PULSE for relays that are not timing-critical, and for output channels that I just want to flash. I never use it for IR.
Everything else is either controlled with CTON/CTOF, Timelines, or Waits.