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I have a multi-master system that I've inherited where the remotes are processed on one controller and the devices are tied to IR ports on another. I assume that set_pulse_time should be set on the master calling "pulse", not on the one with the physical port? If true, I don't have the source code for that master, is there any way to call this function over the network via send_command? I haven't been able to find anything.



  • vincenvincen Posts: 526
    You can't recall remotely SET_PULSE_TIME value as it's only managed in local program whatever device controlled is local or not !
    If I may advise you something, use of IR with SET_PULSE_TIME is really poor programming way to do ! You should use the command CTON/CTOF to set ON and OFF lengths on IR ports, and SP or XCH to pulse IR on ports. Be careful CTON/CTOF commandes are specific to each IR port.

  • ppdkppdk Posts: 31
    ..and if i am correct you can also send CTON and CTOFF commands even between CP, SP, XCH etc
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    SET_PULSE_TIME is global, and it affects anything that uses the PULSE keyword, including relays, and every IR port on the controller. You really don't want to use it if you can avoid it. Sending an SP command to the individual port will follow the timing set in CTON and CTOFF, and will queue your IR pulses as well (use CP if you want to clear the queue and start with the IR command you are sending).

    I will generally only use PULSE for relays that are not timing-critical, and for output channels that I just want to flash. I never use it for IR.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    Setting the PULSE TIME for a relay, say to hold for 45 seconds to allow a display lift to get to the full travel, can stall the whole program. We've seen systems completely stop all other actions in all rooms due to a long pulse a tech added for a lift. The global impact of PULSE TIME makes it a poor choice for more complex systems.
  • the8thstthe8thst Posts: 470
    The only thing I use PULSE for is non-picky momentary relays.
    Everything else is either controlled with CTON/CTOF, Timelines, or Waits.
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