I'm using a module that i foud here about weather but i can't make it to view as Dubai. zip code is not working? and dubai dont have zipcode. so how can i mange to work with dubai weather?
<!-- Yahoo! Weather Badge --><iframe allowtransparency="true" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" frameborder="0"
so how can i put it in my touchpane??? i only need dubai weather.
I think what he's referring to is the persistent "cZipCode" variable that is used in the 'GET_FORECAST-' command that is sent to the duet module. It appears to me that, whether you use the "SearchLocalID" or not, the module is designed to return and use a Zip Code.
Unfortunately, Jubal, I'd be willing to bet it was only designed to work with zip codes. No zip code, no weather. I'd try finding another weather module unless you can try, as DHawthorne suggests, to formulate the request yourself and hope that the duet module is designed to simply accept the data it gets whether it's the right zip code or not.
yah i think this is the way i can do but my problem is i dont know how to get it from HTTP. im new in this programming career and didn't try to use web or HTTP to include in my touch panel or program
then use IP_CLIENT_OPEN to open a port, then SEND_STRING a crafted HTTP 1.1 GET response. If you're unsure how to do this, a few minutes of googling "raw HTTP request header" should get you what you need.
It should spit back a raw html file. Look through the HTML and look to see what information you will need to parse then just use FIND_STRING to get at it. If you get stuck, post some code up here.
It ends up being:
for example,
sorry but i really dont have idea about HTTP. how can i edit the module i get to make it as dubai??
thanks for your suggestion but i think i will talk to client not to include this one.
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Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2
thanks for this. i use it now. but still it only allow zipcode. when i put specific location like dubai, Error occure but when i put any number representing zipcode its working. also the picture display for weather icon didnt appear
now its working. i go to and check for the number in the URL and put it in your zip/location and its working thanks
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Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2
yah i only copy paste it. ok i will try it tom. thanks for your code.