How to work with 2 keyboards screens?
Hi all
I am trying to add one more keyboard screen, but from what I understand the keyboard works only on port 1, and I already have one _keyboard screen that uses it.
How can I do it?
this is the keyboard screen of the module autonomic MCS, so I can't write it as I want.
I am trying to add one more keyboard screen, but from what I understand the keyboard works only on port 1, and I already have one _keyboard screen that uses it.
How can I do it?
this is the keyboard screen of the module autonomic MCS, so I can't write it as I want.
If you want a keyboard on a different port then you need to copy or create a keyboard and change the buttons port/channels to what ever floats your boat and then create a standard button_event handler to handle pushes.
What I don't understand, how to take the string that coming from the keyboard?
the name of the editline is KEYB-
address code is
Keyboard: Text Area -single line
The field contain what I write, but how the code take it?
I have this code in the module:
char sKB[128]
send_string 0,data.text
if ((left_string (data.text,5) = "'KEYB-'" || left_string (data.text,5) = "'KEYP-'" ) && find_string(data.text,'ABORT',1)==0 && giKB<>0)
But I don't get to the string event at all..
My tp channel port is 50, and this one sits on 1... what a mess
I changed the Channel port to 50, not working...
I am listening to the X:1:0 and now it working.
Kind of a patch but working...