DGX ports and control
I have set up the following devices in my program for a DGX DXLink receiver:
dxLink1Com = 8001:1:0
dxLink1Video = 8001:6:0
I am trying to use the video mute command in the receiver by sending:
SEND_COMMAND dxLink1Video,"'VIDOUT_MUTE-ENABLE'" but it does not appear to work!
Also I have had no joy in getting the comm port on port 1 to work either.
I suspect both of these issues are a formatting problem. Anyone have any experience with these and have any tips on getting them to work?
The devices are bound and set up and appear in the online tree.
Also on a similar topic I have one receiver (out of 9) that is continually dropping offline then back on. Faulty maybe?
Many thanks
I have set up the following devices in my program for a DGX DXLink receiver:
dxLink1Com = 8001:1:0
dxLink1Video = 8001:6:0
I am trying to use the video mute command in the receiver by sending:
SEND_COMMAND dxLink1Video,"'VIDOUT_MUTE-ENABLE'" but it does not appear to work!
Also I have had no joy in getting the comm port on port 1 to work either.
I suspect both of these issues are a formatting problem. Anyone have any experience with these and have any tips on getting them to work?
The devices are bound and set up and appear in the online tree.
Also on a similar topic I have one receiver (out of 9) that is continually dropping offline then back on. Faulty maybe?
Many thanks
Did you configured the device number yourself or is the system default?
If you configured the 8001 device number yourself then try to change it to something else.
These are not used anywhere else in the system.
I have it working on a unit running v1.0.67 (yet the website only has v1.0.61).
Possibly you don't have control at all.
Check you can ping the unit, if not turn on dip switches 2 and 3, hold the setup button for 10 secs (until LEDS flash fast) so it gets the IP address then telnet into it and set up the IP address ("set IP"), master connection type ("set connection") and device number ("set device").
Make sure you can see it in the system online tree, if you have done the above and still can't see it online change the connection type to URL.
Try sending a query to it using Diagnostics - Control a device.
EG if you send ?VIDOUT_MUTE can you see a response in the Notifications window?
I've just got the v1.0.67 fw so will update that on Saturday when I am on site.
I can Telnet into the receivers no problem. I have left them on DHCP as the installation company do not have a list of static IP's for me so best leave well alone.