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mjpeg on remote/local iPad - how to ...?

Hi guys!
I'm trying to get how to design the surveillance viewing seamless for user on iPad (iridium / tpc) being locally or being off-site - remotely.
I mean the way of how to make the master understand where the TP is now - locally or remotely?
Then change dynamic image's host to corresponding source - lan or wan using ^RAF command.
Maybe some of you developed a stable solution for this - how to get where the user is now?
Many thanks


  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,744
    Most routers, and certainly the good ones, will properly handle a call via an outside address to an inside resource. So you should be able to pass the address as if you were outside your network at all times, whether your panel is local, on WIFI, or 3G.

    By the same token, I have my host address as my outside WAN alias all the time, and it seamlessly works in and out of my network.
  • karageurkarageur Posts: 97
    I don't get.
    You are right but your "key words" are "if you were outside your network at all times".

    Say wan address of user's system is (direct IP or "white" ip).
    I make port forwarding from to local address of mjpeg source AXIS.
    In TPdesign I write host's IP as and it works fine FROM outside.
    But if user's iPad is in 192.168.1.* subnet how it can connect to it's outside WAN ip - while every LAN device (user's TP iPad also) that connects to WAN subnet receives the same address - ?
    Is this somekind of loopback should be active or what?
  • karageurkarageur Posts: 97
    I have just tried being on LAN (my laptop has 192.168.1.* address) to access AXIS - - no problem.
    From 3G - to WAN address - - no problem too -> the router passes the ports and everything works fine.
    But being on LAN & trying to connect did't work though I have a rule in NAT preferences.

    The problem is that I don't know how to make master understand whether the user is on LAN or WAN?
    If the master knows where the user is it can send to TP the corresponding host's IP & port of mjpeg source.
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