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Slow upload to NI700 from NS

When I'm uploading code to an NI700, the file transfer window shows that 122000 bytes are uploaded then it pauses for about a second then another 122000 Bytes are uploaded.

Is this normal I have 4 NI700 in this system and they all have the same behaviour Firmware Version 3.60.453.

I also have an NI3100 in the same system Firmware Version 3.60.453. and code uploads fine.

I checked the set Ethernet mode setting and all are set 100Mb Full

Is there any way to correct this as it is quite time consuming when you have 3/4 Duet modules to upload each time you load code and the transfers often fail with error Transfer Aborted Busy sending

Any help and comments welcome.


  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    It's not normal. Even over the Internet, uploads should run smoothly and fairly quickly, unless the connection is really bad. Two possibilities here: (1) the master is way too busy ... something is cranking out continuous errors or too-frequent feedback, and it's too busy to negotiate the transfer properly. I've several times found a bug in my code that was producing constant error messages can cause this. (2) There is something wrong with the network; dropped packets, bad signal, whatever.

    If you suspect it's your code and you can't even get the fix uploaded, you can right click the master file in the transfer box, choose options, and turn off sending the Duet support files every time (this is a per-project, per-transfer setting, you have to do it every time you "add" that project to the transfer list). I've also found that if you reboot the master, and send files as soon as it comes online but before the code is fully running, you can often get it in.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    I have often noticed the jerky upload behavior on 700 and 900 units, and never on the x000 or x100 units. It's not the program, I always CLEAN DISK then reboot before loading a 700 or 900 as their limited memory (the older ones) makes it necessary to start empty. And the same network plug is used to load each, so it's not a difference in the network, here. I chalk it up to the behavior of the device. It does nearly double the load time, but we're talking a minute extra...
  • AMXJeffAMXJeff Posts: 450
    NI700 have done this for as long as remember, so I would say it is NORMAL behavior.
  • DavidRDavidR Posts: 62
    I've noticed jerky uploads with 700 and 900 units since day one... just figured it was normal with these models too.
  • travistravis Posts: 180
    I test on a NI-700 and I never see this. I don't use duet modules though.
  • syslocksyslock Posts: 45
    Thanks for all the responses.
    Its definitely not the code because I have the same behaviour after a clean disk.
    Its seems to be something to do with the NI700/NI900 because if I use the same network cable and switch port as my NI3100 which loads code fine I still see the same behaviour.

    Its frustrating I can handle a delay when I'm working with just 1 NI700 but I have 4 in the system which amounts to around 5 minutes of waiting each time I upload code.

    Looking at how many people are experiencing the same issue I think it should be noted as a firmware bug.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    Pulled out my old 700 and sure enough it loaded as I remembered, in spurts.
    I would bet this is a memory handler issue and not the firmware. And that it's by design.
  • travistravis Posts: 180
    OK. I'm uploading a Sirius module and it's taking forever.
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    John Nagy wrote: »
    Pulled out my old 700 and sure enough it loaded as I remembered, in spurts.
    I would bet this is a memory handler issue and not the firmware. And that it's by design.

    Spurts, yes, but I've not seen them being anything more than momentary periodic pauses. Not transfer-crippling slowdowns. I still say the OP has another factor making it take so long.
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