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Panasonic Blu-Ray DMP-BDT110/210/310 - IP control

Anyone has successfuly controled any of these Panasonic Blu-Ray DMP-BDT110/210/310?
There are a couple of iPhone apps and some people posted commands, but I can't get it to work.

I can open and close IP connection to it but that's about it, none of the commands I tried produced anything.
Here is what I found online:

Following this, here is what I coded for the POWER command (open connection and close connection are done with another event):
channel_event[dvIOs, 3]
	send_string dvBluRayIP1, "'POST /WAN/dvdr/dvdr_ctrl.cgi? HTTP/1.1',$0D,$0A"
	send_string dvBluRayIP1, "'User-Agent: MEI-LAN-REMOTE-CALL',$0D,$0A"
	send_string dvBluRayIP1, "'Host:',$0D,$0A"
	send_string dvBluRayIP1, "'Content-Length: 39',$0D,$0A"
	send_string dvBluRayIP1, "'cCMD_RC_POWER.x=100&cCMD_RC_POWER.y=100',$0D,$0A"

Anything obvious that I would be missing or miss-interpreting from the post on Avsforum?
Thanks for the help.


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    Pep_SDPep_SD Posts: 106
    The solution...

    I finally had it working and posting this here for the benefit of all (hopefully...)
    I could test with a DMP-BDT110 (2011 model) and a DMP-BDT320 (2012 model).
    I discovered 2 issues.

    The first one is you have to setup the BluRay player so it allows for Automatic authorization for devices to control it.
    In the settings of the BluRay:
    Player settings/Network/Network Settings/Remote Device Settings
    Then make sure you have the following values set:
    Remote Device Operation: On
    Registration Type: Automatic
    If you then go into Remote Device List, you will not see the MAC address of your NI but it does not matter as long as the Registration Type is set to On.

    The second issue was around the sequence of commands and a CRLF that was missing on the User-Agent line.
    Follow the exact sequence like this for each command:
    	send_string dvBluRayIP1, "'POST /WAN/dvdr/dvdr_ctrl.cgi? HTTP/1.1',$0D,$0A"
    	send_string dvBluRayIP1, "'Host:',$0D,$0A"
    	send_string dvBluRayIP1, "'Content-Length: 39',$0D,$0A"
    	send_string dvBluRayIP1, "'User-Agent: MEI-LAN-REMOTE-CALL',$0D,$0A,$0D,$0A"
    	send_string dvBluRayIP1, "'cCMD_RC_OP_CL.x=100&cCMD_RC_OP_CL.y=100'"

    Also make sure the actual command (cCMD_RC...) does not have any CRLF at the end.

    For everything else, follow the list at this post:

    Then somewhere else, somebody found a minimal command for status:
    	send_string dvBluRayIP1, "'POST /WAN/dvdr/dvdr_ctrl.cgi? HTTP/1.1',$0D,$0A"
    	send_string dvBluRayIP1, "'Host:',$0D,$0A"
    	send_string dvBluRayIP1, "'Content-Length: 29',$0D,$0A"
    	send_string dvBluRayIP1, "'User-Agent: MEI-LAN-REMOTE-CALL',$0D,$0A,$0D,$0A"
    	send_string dvBluRayIP1, "'cCMD_PST.x=100&cCMD_PST.y=100'"

    The status data is in line 2 of the response and playback status is defined in character 1.
    -- 0 = stop
    -- 1 = play
    -- 2 = pause
    Then playback elapsed time (in seconds) is the second comma-separated item in the response.

    A few notes:
    - The POWER command does not seem work with the DMP-BDT110
    - There is no playback elapsed time for the DMP-BDT110
    - The IP socket is automatically closed by the BluRay after each command is issued
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