Example of a Room Usage Report?
Help me "seal a deal" please...
Does anyone have an example of a Report from RMS?
Spesifically a report showing "who have booked/used different rooms" over a time period.
And number one wish, in Xcell format!
I`ve looked true the RMS.AdministratorsGuide, but all the reports are empty.
I also saw the report example (picture) on "Residence Usage" , but that only displays Room name and Hours.
The use of the report, is for doing manual invoicing to different departments (Sales/Managment/Tech) for the use of the meetingroom facilities.
That means i need a report containing Room Name, User (or maybe User Group?), Hours...
Any help appreciated!!
Help me "seal a deal" please...

Does anyone have an example of a Report from RMS?
Spesifically a report showing "who have booked/used different rooms" over a time period.
And number one wish, in Xcell format!
I`ve looked true the RMS.AdministratorsGuide, but all the reports are empty.
I also saw the report example (picture) on "Residence Usage" , but that only displays Room name and Hours.
The use of the report, is for doing manual invoicing to different departments (Sales/Managment/Tech) for the use of the meetingroom facilities.
That means i need a report containing Room Name, User (or maybe User Group?), Hours...
Any help appreciated!!
I got a report, and will get a demo next week as well.
Just posted here, since the forum is sometimes faster then Amx!
Not complaining, rather complement to "You guys"!
But amx Tech. Uk. Won this time
The Room Usage report did show what we needed!
-Who booked the room
-Room name(s)
-Hours (for every room they have been booked for)
And the time period is set up in parameters...