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HDMI UTPro 0808 IP Control

Let me start by saying that I'm still rather new to NetLinx. I have been through P1 and have taken programming courses for other languages (C/C++, etc.).

What I am attempting to do is control an AMX HDMIUTPro 0808 via IP. I have tried using the serial port on the 0808 but I am doing something wrong or not understanding how it works.

I have an NI 3100 networked and will soon have the HDMIUTPro 0808 networked on the same subnet. My question is, how do I get the controller and the device to talk over IP? I have no experience with connecting IP devices in NetLinx.


  • The UTPro0808 is a native Netlinx device, that means that you don't need to open IP client.
    You just have to declare it in your define_device and bounce it to your master through the web interface of the matrix.
    Like it's a netlinx device you have to use send_command

    dvMatrix = 5500:1:0
    dvTV_kitchen = 5501:2:0 // RS232 ports on the UTRPo receiver N°1
    dvTV_MainRoom = 5502:2:0 // RS232 ports on the UTRPo receiver N°2
  • njenkinsnjenkins Posts: 6
    Thanks for the reply. I knew there had to be some "AMX Magic" to connect AMX devices like a TP does to the controller. Hopefully I can figure it out from there.

    If I we didn't have so many systems being programmed right now,I would give the ID button a try.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    The manual is also helpful.
  • njenkinsnjenkins Posts: 6
    John Nagy wrote: »
    The manual is also helpful.

    I read through the HDMI 0808 manual and I didn't find anything on how to get it initially connected over IP. I am pretty new to NetLinx and still learning. I didn't know that it was that easy for ICS. I was under the impression I needed to use IP Client. But thanks for taking the time to respond with such helpful advice.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    njenkins wrote: »
    I read through the HDMI 0808 manual and I didn't find anything on how to get it initially connected over IP. I am pretty new to NetLinx and still learning. I didn't know that it was that easy for ICS. I was under the impression I needed to use IP Client. But thanks for taking the time to respond with such helpful advice.

    I am really trying to help by suggesting the best sources of actual help are frequently the documents... In this case, your hidden clues were in the QUICKSTART section "To connect the HDMI UTPro to a NetLinx Controller" and the chapter starting on Page 85 of the manual, titled "HDMI UTPro NetLinx Programming"
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