Hex Value Madness
I've got myself stuck with a hex string return from a piece of broadcast kit.
It sends back the elapsed time in HEX, but the values it sends actually represent DECIMAL values
For example.....
Line 330 (12:32:58):: String From [5001:7:1]-[$74$00$49$46$01$00$04]
The actual time is 00h(char 6),01m(char 5),46s(char 4). Note the 46 - not 70 (ie decimal $46)
The only way I can think of presenting each char as 2 digit ascii text for my panels is ...
FORMAT('%02d',ATOI(ITOHEX(cData[4]))) - which seems a bit convoluted to say the least!
I'm sure I'm missing something here, but I haven't seen any daylight for 48 hours and I think it's affecting me a bit!
I've got myself stuck with a hex string return from a piece of broadcast kit.
It sends back the elapsed time in HEX, but the values it sends actually represent DECIMAL values
For example.....
Line 330 (12:32:58):: String From [5001:7:1]-[$74$00$49$46$01$00$04]
The actual time is 00h(char 6),01m(char 5),46s(char 4). Note the 46 - not 70 (ie decimal $46)
The only way I can think of presenting each char as 2 digit ascii text for my panels is ...
FORMAT('%02d',ATOI(ITOHEX(cData[4]))) - which seems a bit convoluted to say the least!
I'm sure I'm missing something here, but I haven't seen any daylight for 48 hours and I think it's affecting me a bit!
This looks to be Binary Coded Decimal, which is actually pretty easy to deal with. See this thread for more information. Basically, you can take the character $46, which has the equivalent integer value of 70 (16 * 4 + 6) and do a modulo operation with 16 to get the ones place, then you can divide the same number by 16 and multiply by 10 to get the ones place.
Hope that helps.
How about this?
FORMAT('%02X', cData[4])
My method does work, it just looks a mess - Andrew's BCD function would make it look a lot cleaner for sure.
Dchristo - not sure that would work? Won't that return a hex value? Or maybe that's what I want .... Hmm.
I'm off to have another try!