BCD madness (Getting frustrated)
Be warned, I'm knocking about 5 years of rust off of my ACE certification with an automated theater project. The DVD player is a Sony 400-Disc Blue-Ray changer (7000ES), and I'm connected VIA RS-232. The DVD player returns status strings prompted by polling from the module. The strings give the status of the movie playing, and I'm trying to use them to detect the position of a movie to automate theater start-up and shutdown. (A royal PITA)
The issue I'm having is that the status is received as binary coded decimal. I've read a few threads here on how to parse and translate these strings into actual integers, but have so far been unsuccessful.
The string consists of the header, 2 Disc number bytes, 2 title number bytes, 2 chapter number bytes, and a transport status byte. Anything after that I really don't care about, and erase the rest of the string.
It looks like this, where:
$88,$82 = Disc Data to follow
$01,$39 = Disc Number (Disc 139)
$00,$04 = Title number (Title #4)
$00,$01 = Chapter number (Chapter 4)
$11 = Transport status ($11 = Play)
String From [41002:1:1]-[$02$0A$88$82$01$39$00$04$00$04$11$0C$C8]
cDiscNo1 = $01
cDiscNo2 = $39
cTitleNo1 = $00
cTitleNo2 = $04
cChapterNo1 = $00
cChapterNo2 = $04
DVD_Status_TranportStatus = 'Play'
Then I try to parse those into Integer values
The result is:
nDiscNo1 = 0
nDiscNo2 = 9
nDiscNo = 9
Obviously, I'm expecting nDiscNo1 = 100, nDiscNo2 = 39, nDiscNo = 139
So it seems that the MOD 16 is working, but the rest isn't, and I can't for the life of me figure out why.
Anything obvious I'm missing?
Thanks guys!
The issue I'm having is that the status is received as binary coded decimal. I've read a few threads here on how to parse and translate these strings into actual integers, but have so far been unsuccessful.
The string consists of the header, 2 Disc number bytes, 2 title number bytes, 2 chapter number bytes, and a transport status byte. Anything after that I really don't care about, and erase the rest of the string.
It looks like this, where:
$88,$82 = Disc Data to follow
$01,$39 = Disc Number (Disc 139)
$00,$04 = Title number (Title #4)
$00,$01 = Chapter number (Chapter 4)
$11 = Transport status ($11 = Play)
String From [41002:1:1]-[$02$0A$88$82$01$39$00$04$00$04$11$0C$C8]
The DATA_EVENT looks like this: REMOVE_STRING(vdvDVD_Buffer,"$88,$82",1) cDiscNo1 = LEFT_STRING(vdvDVD_Buffer,1) REMOVE_STRING(vdvDVD_Buffer,cDiscNo1,1) cDiscNo2 = LEFT_STRING(vdvDVD_Buffer,1) REMOVE_STRING(vdvDVD_Buffer,cDiscNo2,1) cTitleNo1 = LEFT_STRING(vdvDVD_Buffer,1) REMOVE_STRING(vdvDVD_Buffer,cTitleNo1,1) cTitleNo2 = LEFT_STRING(vdvDVD_Buffer,1) REMOVE_STRING(vdvDVD_Buffer,cTitleNo2,1) cChapterNo1 = LEFT_STRING(vdvDVD_Buffer,1) REMOVE_STRING(vdvDVD_Buffer,cChapterNo1,1) cChapterNo2 = LEFT_STRING(vdvDVD_Buffer,1) REMOVE_STRING(vdvDVD_Buffer,cChapterNo2,1) DVD_Status_TransportStatus = LEFT_STRING(vdvDVD_Buffer,1) REMOVE_STRING(vdvDVD_Buffer,DVD_Status_TransportStatus,1) IF(DVD_Status_TransportStatus = "$00") { DVD_Status_TransportStatus = 'DVD_Off' } ELSE IF(DVD_Status_TransportStatus = "$10") { DVD_Status_TransportStatus = 'Stop' } ELSE IF(DVD_Status_TransportStatus = "$11") { DVD_Status_TransportStatus = 'Play' } ELSE IF(DVD_Status_TransportStatus = "$12") { DVD_Status_TransportStatus = 'Pause' } ELSE IF(DVD_Status_TransportStatus = "$20") { DVD_Status_TransportStatus = 'Load' } ELSE IF(DVD_Status_TransportStatus = "$30") { DVD_Status_TransportStatus = 'FrDoor' } ELSE IF(DVD_Status_TransportStatus = "$ee") { DVD_Status_TransportStatus = 'Error' } ELSE IF(DVD_Status_TransportStatus = "$ff") { DVD_Status_TransportStatus = 'Unknown' } vdvDVD_Buffer = ''This works great, and I wind up with this:
cDiscNo1 = $01
cDiscNo2 = $39
cTitleNo1 = $00
cTitleNo2 = $04
cChapterNo1 = $00
cChapterNo2 = $04
DVD_Status_TranportStatus = 'Play'
Then I try to parse those into Integer values
nHexMunch = HEXTOI(cDiscNo1) nDiscNo1 = (((nHexMunch/16 * 10) + (nHexMunch % 16))* 100) nHexMunch = HEXTOI(cDiscNo2) nDiscNo2 = ((nHexMunch/16 * 10) + (nHexMunch % 16)) nDiscNo = nDiscNo1 + nDiscNo2And so on for the rest of them.
The result is:
nDiscNo1 = 0
nDiscNo2 = 9
nDiscNo = 9
Obviously, I'm expecting nDiscNo1 = 100, nDiscNo2 = 39, nDiscNo = 139
So it seems that the MOD 16 is working, but the rest isn't, and I can't for the life of me figure out why.
Anything obvious I'm missing?
Thanks guys!
The result is the same with this code:
nDiscNo1 = 0
nDiscNo2 = 9
nDiscNo = 9
The problem here is the HEXTOI function. This is looking for ASCII characters that make up a hex number, so something like "'35'", instead of "$35". With the first string, the HEXTOI function would return a value of 53. With the second, you would get a value of 5, since $35 is the equivalent of the ASCII 5. In your example, with a value of $01, HEXTOI is return 0, since that doesn't match up with the ASCII values for 0-9 or A-F. You get a 9 because $39 is an ASCII 9.
To do what you want, you need to skip the HEXTOI function and just do the modulo and division operations on the cDiscNo1, etc. This should get you the result you want.
That would certainly explain the same result with the math, and the function. I HEXTOI'd both of them...
I'm going to need a beer if it was that easy...
This won't work either. Keep in mind that the characters that are getting returned do not necessarily map to a ASCII integer value. And if they do, it's not the integer value that DmAVS is looking for. You would only get an integer value if the hex value returned is between $30 and $39.
I'm getting the error:
WARNING: C:\program.axs(1529): C10573: String used as a CHAR value in a math operation
Am I correct in assuming that I should re-write this with type_cast() to resolve the issue because the string is a single hex value?
Note: This is why I was using HEXTOI in the first place - I was trying to pass the integer values of the hex strings to the math operation. Some rust is a little deeper than the rest
It's all compiling now.
I'll see how it works tonight.
Thanks for the help!
Thanks guys!