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device mappings missing

I've just opened a workspace I worked on a month ago and tried to add a new irl file.
I noticed then that all my devices are showing [Invalid Device]
If I attempt to map the irl, the Device Mapping dialog no longer contains any of my devices in the RH pane - just Custom. All the devices in the LH pane have a red cross beside them.

Anyone know what has happened here and how I can get the mapping back?


  • Where are your devices defined?
    I put my devices in a separate file called Devices.axi and they do not appear in the mappings Dialog.
    I think they must be in the Main Source File to show up in the Device Mappings Dialog.
    Has anyone else seen this?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Harman Integrated Technologies Group (ITG) Posts: 0
    As a test, can you enable the EDIT toolbar and click on the RESCAN CURRENT SOURCE FILE icon (an axs with a circular arrow)? Once complete, check your mappings.

  • Hi Chris, I tried a re-scan and to no avail.
    I'm stumped as to why they have disappeared.
    Last time I work on this project they were there.
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    I've found devices missing from mapping for so long I just work around it or manually write them in myself.
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    Anyone know what has happened here and how I can get the mapping back?
    Are you using all capital letters for DEFINE_DEVICE?
  • Joe,
    Outstanding, that was it.
    Thanks very much. I must admit I don't remember changing the text but it was all lower case.

    Kudos to you.


  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Joe Hebert wrote: »
    Are you using all capital letters for DEFINE_DEVICE?

    I take this bit you in the a ss once upon a time but how the heck did you come about making the connection between caps & maps? I don't recall ever seeing any posts about this. I always use caps for esthetic reasons and i generally don't use or care about device mapping but if i did and i had this problem it would never have dawned on me that it cuz of this. Another funky bug i suppose.
  • I only came across this as I wanted to do a quick upload and of course all of the mappings were gone in the upload dialog. Added them manually to get round this.
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    ************* head in palm ****************
  • So much for being a case insensitive language.
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    NetLinx is case-insensitive; it's the IDE, NetLinx Studio, that has the problem. You can compile just fine with all keywords in lowercase, uppercase or camel case.

    Also, if you do something like the following:
    #if_defined NI2100
    dvDTR			= 05001:01:00
    dvSAT			= 05001:02:00
    dvCOM3			= 05001:03:00
    dvRELAY			= 05001:04:00
    dvTV			= 05001:05:00
    dvSAT_IR		= 05001:06:00
    dvDVD			= 05001:07:00
    dvCAB			= 05001:08:00
    dvIO			= 05001:09:00
    #if_defined NI3100
    dvDTR			= 05001:01:00
    dvSAT			= 05001:02:00
    dvCOM3			= 05001:03:00
    dvRELAY			= 05001:08:00
    ...you'll run into mapping problems (for the obvious reasons.)
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