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Other netlinx control questions related to my VC

Hi again AMX peeps,

Further to my last request about shutting things down. My codec takes about 5 mins to start up. I was thinking that if I could somehow get the bookings calendar to send a message to the amx controller, it could start up the codec 10min before the vc was about to commence, and then would be ready. Is there a way you can send a command like that? I have seen ip to rs232 devices, maybe I could use that to trigger the ni-3100??




  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    It depends on the capabilities of your bookings calendar. Is this an external program, or part of your AMX program? If external, and if it can send emails, set up your AMX with i!-Equipment monitor (should still be on the AMX site) with an email account, then send the AMX an email, parse it for the turn on time, and away you go. If it does Telnet, you can create your own command structure and do it that way.
  • DubbledexDubbledex Posts: 17
    HI David,

    Thanks for info. I will be working with the webteam to design a form for booking in the VC's I am hoping they can sort out their end. I will maybe give that i!-equipment monitor thing a go.


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