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Thumbnails issue in 8400

adysadys Posts: 395
Hi all

I asked it before, I know, but this is a very strange behavior.
I am attaching a video to show the strange behaviors of the modero 8400 thumbs.


Please note that this customize RocketGui module is working good on the TPcontrol on IPad 2 and on the NXT-1200V without any problems.

This problem only happening on the 8400.

Is there something I can do (beside throwing the TP to the garbage :) )



  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    We've seen the same disappearing image behavior with our own code when trying to do lots of thumbs at once on the Squeezebox. It seems the/some AMX panels just aren't up for lots of simultaneous dynamic images.
  • adysadys Posts: 395
    its only 8 dynamic images at once.

    We have 47 dynamic images on the TP file, most of them are not in use anymore ( old MAX module etc)
    Is this consider to be a lot?


  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    Unused ones in your resources should not impact the panel, they only are active when on a displayed page.

    We saw the blinking when doing 9 thumbs on the Squeezebox. It may have been some other issue, but it wasn't obvious why it worked sometimes.

    We've done a few 9-grid with security cameras and not seen the same behavior, so I really don't know what's to blame.
  • adysadys Posts: 395
    I made a test - I have deleted 50% of the popups from the TP ( we have a lot - around 480! )

    Well - its working great! no problems at all.

    So the blame is with the amount of Popups, but why? what is the connection? Memory?
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    This simultaneous dynamic image refresh problem has been around as long as G4. There's a big long thread on it from like 2008 somewhere here ...

    But don't be too sure you've fixed the problem. I have many times gone back to this and discovered that what I thought was working no longer is, or a "fix" that seemed to get rid of the problem only worked for a short time. In other words ... it's kind of intermittent, and I, for one, have not found a dependable solution for it. I'm ripping out hair over it right now on a media server page that seems to be fine once you start scrolling through your choices, but absolutely will not consistently display all the thumbnails the first time the browse page is displayed. I even said, "heck with it, I'll do a page up and down in code," just so it forces the same kind of activity that seems to work in practice ... and that didn't work either. I've played with the refresh settings in the dynamic image (1 works better than 0 most of the time, btw). Nothing works permanently or consistently. I'm convinced it has something to do with the internal dynamic image buffering, and the only final solution will have to be in the firmware, but I haven't seen AMX even acknowledge it as an issue, much less change something.
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