Device declaration
hi! please tell me in declaration device can't i need to declare convertor device such as AVB-TX-HDMI-DXLINK, AVB-RX-DXLLINK-HDMI ? the following decllarationis my source code device declaration:
dvTP = 10001:1:0 // touch panel
dvCam1= 5001:2:0 //camera 1
dvCam2 = 5002:2:0 //camera 2
dvEnova = 5003:4:0 // matrix A/V
dvProj = 3002:5:0 // video projector
dvAvbtx1 = 4001:6:0 //AVB-TX-HDMI-DXLINK
dvAvbtx2 = 4002:6:0 //AVB-TX-HDMI-DXLINK
dvAvbrx1 = 4003:7:0 //AVB-TX-HDMI-DXLINK
the code above is my declaration device it is necessary to declare convertor if true how my NI-2100 control it? convertor are connected to AVB-Enova DGX. thhanks
dvTP = 10001:1:0 // touch panel
dvCam1= 5001:2:0 //camera 1
dvCam2 = 5002:2:0 //camera 2
dvEnova = 5003:4:0 // matrix A/V
dvProj = 3002:5:0 // video projector
dvAvbtx1 = 4001:6:0 //AVB-TX-HDMI-DXLINK
dvAvbtx2 = 4002:6:0 //AVB-TX-HDMI-DXLINK
dvAvbrx1 = 4003:7:0 //AVB-TX-HDMI-DXLINK
the code above is my declaration device it is necessary to declare convertor if true how my NI-2100 control it? convertor are connected to AVB-Enova DGX. thhanks
The Enova DGX has a master built into it. You'll have to give it a different system number than your 2100, and then you can access it's devices like any other M2M setup; so if the Enova is system 2, declare the devices in your 2100 as 5001:1:2 (instead of 0 on the end), etc.
thanks ! please i have another questions about DGX enova because DGX enova has a master build on it, in the device declaration it is not necessary to declare it? in my small system i have two camera in my synoptic connection i have two link one link to DGX Enova and the next to NI-2100, it is correct? if true to what system can i declare my camera?
You would declare your camera on whichever master is running the code that controls it. Once master-to-master is set up, the program will be able to talk to any device connected to both masters, so the physical connection really doesn't matter; it's where the program is running that matters.
thank a lot! please i'm learn netlinx program this is my first exercise, i not have equipement is just book exercice, i have only my computer and netlinx studio. please help me to carry out my exercise.
the following represent my device declaration
dvTp = 3001:1:0 //Touch panel device
dvcma1 = 3002:2:0 //first camera device
dvcam2 = 3003:2:0 //second camera device
dvAvsEnova = 5001:3:2 // enova DGX
dvavbtxhdmidxlink1 = 4002:4:2 //AVB-TX-HDMI-DXLINK
dvavbtxhdmidxlink2 = 4003:4:2 //AVB-TX-HDMI-DXLINK
dvAvbrxdxlinkhdmi = 4004:5:2 //AVB-RX-DXLINK-HDMI
dvproj = 5002:6:2 // video projector
is iit correct? now i want to implement event on my touch panel i have just to button first button active camera1 et the second camera 2. please tell me what to do possible with example..thanks a lot