Extron Module for SW-VGA Ars HELP
Hello Friends, I am trying to compose a string in VA for controlling a switch SW-Extron VGA Ars, but does not work, I think I have a syntax error in-law sent the command to the master control indicator does not show serial port of shipment string to the device.
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for your help.
I am sending the following string:
Input 1 to Output 1. (1!) Or (31 21)
Input 2 to Output 1. (2!) Or (32 21)
Input 2 to Output 1. (3!) Or (33 21)
Input 2 to Output 1. (4!) Or (34 21)
Do not know if I need some argument in the string, or should I send in ascii or hex.
Thanks for your help,
Just to confirm you are sending it as
If you are pulling the input from a numerical variable you will need to also make sure that you convert it to its ascii representation:
As I am working in VA, CSM attached image where I am assigning a master controller strin, when I compile and upload the code, to activate the function in the TP indicardor shows no activity on the serial port and does not change the input on the Extron .
Thank you for your comments,
Enclose the value in quotes: '1!'
In NetLinx: SEND_STRING Extron, " '1!' "
from the instruction:
Host-to-switcher instructions
The switcher accepts SIS (Simple Instruction Set) commands through either serial port. SIS commands consist of one or more characters per command field. They do not require any special characters to begin or end the command character sequence.