USB thought

in AMX Hardware
Hi everyone
Just a thought I had the other day(I don't get many) but what if you could FTP from an USB stick which would be located on the Netlinx/NI system and have access to it via the TPor user interface to select the files to transfer into the controller. Just think no more having to bring along the laptop, cables etc.
Just a thought I had the other day(I don't get many) but what if you could FTP from an USB stick which would be located on the Netlinx/NI system and have access to it via the TPor user interface to select the files to transfer into the controller. Just think no more having to bring along the laptop, cables etc.
Thing of it is, unless you get everything exactly right in your code the first time (and I'm sure that always happens
It would be great, however, to send a customer a minor change in functionality or a bug fix on a USB stick they could just plug in without having to navigate their VPN, firewall, etc, over IP.
True about having the program right or you will be making a second trip back. I am sort of lucky because I have nearly 100 multimedia classrooms and once I have the program working and downloaded once everything else is just a copy from there on.
As for program loading, wouldn't it be nice if the CF slot (or an additional one) was available externally, like the one on that other control platform? Would come in real handy...
I haven't tried this with a current version of NetLinx firmware, but you >used< to be able to replace the PROG.TKN file in the master programmatically. If you had a client with a NetLinx that could go >out< past their firewall to the internet, you >could< put an "update" button on their TP somewhere that connects to your web server, downloads a new PROG.TKN, copies it into the root directory and reboots.
- Chip
Durn muppets...