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download code from a Master


i need to know if it is possible to download the code installed on a Master to a PC (maybe through Netlinx or FTP?), i need to do so because a client has asked us to maintain an old system, for wich hasn´t any backup code of the previous installation.

Thanx in advance!


  • champchamp Posts: 261
    Only if the person who programmed it left the option ticked in Netlinx Studio which is unlikely.
    Upload the source using Netlinx Studio then extract from source, if there is no code then you will get an empty file.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,744

    (Edit: Attaching a file that describes this more completely)

    If you want a copy of the tkn file just to be able to load again if you got wiped... this will get you a copy that will be able to load again. It will not give you source code.
    Quoting from a prior discussion...
    Open a command (dos) window and type the items as below inserting what you need in the << >> areas.

    C:\windows\system32>ftp <<NetLinx URL/IP>>
    Connected to <<NetLinx URL/IP>>.
    220 VxWorks (VxWorks 6.3) FTP server ready
    User (<<NetLinx URL/IP>>:(none)): << user >>
    331 Password required
    Password: << password >>
    230 User logged in
    ftp> binary
    200 Type set to I, binary mode
    ftp> get ../prog.tkn <<path\file on your local machine>>
    200 Port set okay
    150 Opening BINARY mode data connection
    226 Transfer complete
    ftp: 37913 bytes received in 0.03Seconds 1223.00Kbytes/sec.
    ftp> quit
    221 Bye...see you later


    Note: where it shows
    that is
    I P > > : ( n o n e ) ) :
    without the spaces.
  • sphere27sphere27 Posts: 40
    Thank you very much for that tip. I didn't know you could extract the tkn from a processor. In fact I'm sure that I asked tech support about that a long time ago. On more than one occasion this would have been great to know.

    Glad I do now.

  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,744
    I advise that you try it before you need to, as it can be a bit confusing the first time.
  • chillchill Posts: 186
    You can also do this from a browser - ftp://master_ip/../PROG.TKN. You can get source too, maybe: substitute PROG.ZIP. The file will be there, but if it's 246 bytes you're SOL.

    Reloading a tkn is similar to what John described, except you'll 'put' instead of 'get'. Reboot afterwards.

    Good luck!
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