How many OR's can I use?
Can I do
this || this || this ?
I have a block of code that is working except that it seems to be ignoring that third conditional.
Disregard syntax, I think you get what Im saying
this || this || this ?
I have a block of code that is working except that it seems to be ignoring that third conditional.
Disregard syntax, I think you get what Im saying

You could also add them in most cases but it's obviously less efficient.
(There forum gave me an error that one "Thank you" was not sufficient. (Minimum of 10 characters).
So, to be clear, didnt work how I originally had it, tried it your way and it worked, changed it back how I originally had it and it worked.
Ugghhh...Im experiencing the weirdest things with Netlinx. Its like it needs to be kicked one time in the right place and then it will work forever after. Weird. The other instance of this weirdness I had was using a constant in a function (function resides in an Include) that I called from a module. The constant was defined in the Include. Well it wouldnt work until I used the actual value instead of my constant. Then I could go back and use the constant and it would work every time. I had to do this in every instance where I called that function. What a pain...
Modules are in a closed sandbox, so the include constants were outside of the module's scope.
Yes I do this all the time without issue. You do have to be careful about combining operators but in Netlinx || is already the lowest precedence I believe.