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NXD-700i - Video

Just curious what anyone is using to display video on the NXD-700i? I'm thinking about an Axis video server, but not sure. Any other ideas?


  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    we have used something like this:

  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    I've used several Axis servers, including the one Yuri linked. They all work fine and are very reliable.
  • I have used Axis and Sony. The Axis I would recommend over Sony. Just keep in mind, don't plan on using more than 1 video window/Dynamic Image on a screen at a time. You might get away with 2, but it seems like the panel can't handle it and will lock up or just react extremely slow.
  • axis video server

    Anyone had any success using MJPEG from an AXIS M7001 to one of the new Modero X panels?

    I can't get the path to the MJPEG to work? the JPEG snap shot works fine but I need it to work as a dynamo image.

    Help anyone?
  • Anyone had any success using MJPEG from an AXIS M7001 to one of the new Modero X panels?

    I can't get the path to the MJPEG to work? the JPEG snap shot works fine but I need it to work as a dynamo image.

    Help anyone?

    meant to add, I get an error when refreshing in TP design of 'unexpected error retrieving work file' and the path I'm using is http://admin@

    the user name and password are fine as they work with updating jpg rather than dynamo.....any help appreciated
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    We found when AMX brought out the G4 700i and 500i panels, a number of video streams that worked on older model panels didn't work on the new ones. In fact, the preferred super-economy streamer, the IOSYS 9100 at $80 (which worked with all the other panels) would fail on a 500i, and actually crash the panel if left to try to connect for long.

    TELNET into the panel (yes you can!) and MSG ON, just like a NetLinx. Then try to view the stream on the panel... you may see a flurry of TELNET error messages complaining that the stream isn't what it wants. While this occurs on older panels using some marginal streams, they don't seem to prevent the image from showing, and never lock up from it. This leads to no cure, but can help identify the cause.

    We had to either recommend all new camera streamers, or to have the troubled panels do a fast-refresh still instead of the stream. Set to 1 frame a second, it sufficed in the circumstances we had with several customers. All the other panels access the stream, but these just do the rapid stills.

    This dual method can also help when you have a lot of panels that will want to see the image, but the streamer can't handle more than a couple full connections (Like a MET-ECOM!). We've used the still-frame for widely broadcast images, and up to three in the case of the ECOM can touch the image and switch to the stream if they like.
  • Hi John

    Thanks for the info..looks like its time to look for another product


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