Remove Button Propertities for On/Off States
I need to remove some on/off state information for lots of buttons. I can't figure out how to remove data, only change it (by change I mean select multiple buttons with the "apply to all" selected and make my changes). I don't see how to clear or delete that data.
But, if you reset the "all states" font then it resets both the on state and off state fonts too. So, can't you just select the buttons, apply to all, and set the desired font and font size in all states?
Or, you can use edit/find/replace to change every occurrence of a particular font selection and size to a different font selection and size and I think this will apply to both on and off state values and you can apply this to a whole panel in one swell foop.
Will these techniques solve your problem? It appears to me to be a bit weird that once you set a value from null to something that you can't return it to null. Maybe there's a trick I am unaware of. No surprise there -- there are infinitely many tricks.