Netlinx Connection to a NI-3000
Hey guys im trying to connect to a Ni-3000 with a serial null cable ive done this before but ever since Ive tried on my new laptop ive had no luck. Im trying to connect to the master to pull src file. Ive made sure that Im on the right port number and everything but no luck. Baud is 38400 8 N 1.
Have you double checked the com port settings on the com port itself?
Speaking of which, why don't you know what IP address the master is on? Is this a job you are taking over from a trunk-slammer? Maybe sending the master back to AMX is an option.
If the master is not connected to a network or never has been it might still be setup to get an IP address DHCP. Bring a cheap router and a couple CAT5 cables and you should be able to find it real fast.
Try using your adaptor on his pc and steal his pc if that works (don't know if that joke works twice).
Whenever i have issues with serial i like to check the serial port by shorting pins 2 and 3 then opening a terminal session and typing, if you see characters echoing back at you then the port is fine and the issue is the NI.
If you do buy another adaptor get a PCExpress one or whatever card type your pc supports, they are much more reliable than usb adaptors.
I don't know whats up with my iogear but it's not coming with me again thank you
For all your help