Button Feedback Sticking "on"
Have a strange one here. M2M system (Call it systems A & 
System B (TP on this system) has button feedback on a controlled via System A. Everything works properly until I reboot System A. Then System B feedback will stick in the "on" position until a panel reset.
Stranger yet, I use 3 ports on this system B touch panel. Port 3 works perfectly fine, port 4 does not. Tried changing 4 to something else with the same result.
I've disabled all feedback to this port with the exception of 1 button and I still have an issue.
Any ideas on what to look at, check on? This port panel combination is not part of a dev array.

System B (TP on this system) has button feedback on a controlled via System A. Everything works properly until I reboot System A. Then System B feedback will stick in the "on" position until a panel reset.
Stranger yet, I use 3 ports on this system B touch panel. Port 3 works perfectly fine, port 4 does not. Tried changing 4 to something else with the same result.
I've disabled all feedback to this port with the exception of 1 button and I still have an issue.
Any ideas on what to look at, check on? This port panel combination is not part of a dev array.
Dave is probably on target with his assessment. I would also add to his update feedback when the 2nd masters online event that you wait a few ticks before sending a boatload of feedback to a panel as there is initially a little bit of chatty-ness when a M2M connection is established. Not eons of time mind you, but give it a breath.