Module definition

I'm getting my hands on another orphean AMX system.
No source uploaded to the Master -kill that guy!!- no Netlinx project available from the AV company, only tenths of AXS files representing the different versions other developers worked on, no directory structure, only zip files inside zip files containing other zip along with the content of that same unzip file 2 levels above...
In a nutshell, simply joy...
I'm still at the stage where I'm trying to get a buildable system with files that could be the latest version (without even being sure they correspond to what was compiled and loaded to the Master).
Here is the strangest declaration I found in the master source:
Then in that module:
First thing here, how the heck this could ever been built with a DEFINE_MODULE referencing a file starting with PROGRAM_NAME= instead of MODULE_NAME=?
Anybody has seen this before??
I'm about to give up as other clues tend to confort me in the feeling that I don't have any of the files that were compiled and uploaded to this system.
Thanks for any input.
No source uploaded to the Master -kill that guy!!- no Netlinx project available from the AV company, only tenths of AXS files representing the different versions other developers worked on, no directory structure, only zip files inside zip files containing other zip along with the content of that same unzip file 2 levels above...
In a nutshell, simply joy...
I'm still at the stage where I'm trying to get a buildable system with files that could be the latest version (without even being sure they correspond to what was compiled and loaded to the Master).
Here is the strangest declaration I found in the master source:
DEFINE_MODULE 'TheaterModule' Theater()
Then in that module:
First thing here, how the heck this could ever been built with a DEFINE_MODULE referencing a file starting with PROGRAM_NAME= instead of MODULE_NAME=?
Anybody has seen this before??
I'm about to give up as other clues tend to confort me in the feeling that I don't have any of the files that were compiled and uploaded to this system.
Thanks for any input.
It reminds me of the Woody Allen bit:
"The food in this restaurant is terrible! Inedible! And such small portions!"