AMX Programming Help Needed
I wanted to post an ad for some programming help with some projects. Was wondering if I can do it here.
I wanted to post an ad for some programming help with some projects. Was wondering if I can do it here.
We usually just say something along the lines of...
"got a programming gig in such-and-so area. PM or email me if interested."
Then you can take the conversation off-line
Ok great, will do.
I'm a programmer looking for some help on a part time, sub-contract basis. I am working with a company with a client that has about 4 or 5 very large projects that are ongoing and expected to be completed in about a year or so. Approximately 10-40 hrs/month. Client loves technology and has money to spend so the more you know about various technologies and computers the better.
I have been programming about 10 years and very good but need someone with a computer science background.
Someone who has more exp with mainstream technolgies like XML, REST, SMTP, RFID, AMX and netwok security, TCP communications. I'm not as much looking for help to meet deadlines but teaming up with someone who can support more advanced stuff as well as be able to troubleshoot connection/traffic issues etc.
Oniste programming not required and payment terms are very easy and informal. I just submit invoices every week and get checks within days.
Prefer someone who loves a challenge and is capable of integrating with new technologies. Prefer someone who is currently employed and needs a little steady work on the side.
Again, really looking for someone who has more advanced skills, especially with non AMX technologies.
Really good Graphic Designer also needed for above projects but not too worried about that end of it.
Thanks and anyone who has already PM'd me feel free to recontact if you feel you can help.
It's probably someone like you or me that he's looking for: someone with a full-time job, does the stuff he's asking for to keep sane and not to pay the bills, etc. etc.