Master Program Port works sometimes
i´m trying to connect to a Master through its Serial Program Port (RS-232).
When i make the connection with the Netlinx Studio, it works fine, but if i try to connect with hyperterminal or other similar program, the master doesn´t responds.... do anyone knows why?
Thanks to all!!
i´m trying to connect to a Master through its Serial Program Port (RS-232).
When i make the connection with the Netlinx Studio, it works fine, but if i try to connect with hyperterminal or other similar program, the master doesn´t responds.... do anyone knows why?
Thanks to all!!
If you're using the same cable with NS as you are with the terminal programs and it's not working with the terminal programs, check to make sure the baud and the HS are set correctly. From the factory most NI devices are set to 38400 Baud, No parity, 8 bits, and stop bit 1 with not hardware or software handshake.
thanks for the reply. but the baud is the same (38400) in both cases.
What i have found is that if i start a serial communication with the Serial Program before doing the same with Netlinx, the connection is made correctly, but if i make the connection with Netlinx first, then any other try to connect through serial port fails.... maybe because Netlinx doesn´t logut or closes the connection properly???