Step by Step Virtual key PAD upload & programming . NDT-VKP
Hi , Can any one help me with a step by step guide for uploading Virtual keypad. Basically i have downloaded the file from & followed the instructions in the manual but it does not load properly only .src file uploads. The .jar gives error. I must be doing some thing wrong . I would appreciate if some one can write a quick step by step guide. Here is a snaps shot of the errors. I have done the following.
1: Downloaded NDT-VKP
2: Extracted & opened in workspace.
3: Set as active system.
4: opened AXS virtual keypad file in NS & Build as active system
5: Quick upload file which give me there files to upload , the files are Virtualkepad_2_0_1\Virtualkeypad.src , Virtualkepad_2_0_1\Virtualkeypad_dr1_0_0. jar & Virtualkepad_2_0_1\Virtualkeypad.tkn.
Next it gives me the following errors.
6: Send Failed 0 of 1108591 NetLinx- 0:1:0 devicesdkrt.jar C:\Users\mansoor\AppData\Local\Temp\DuetTemp4\ Transfer Aborted - Unsupported file type. Wednesday, September 26, 2012 21:20:28
Send Complete 19581 of 19581 NetLinx- 0:1:0 PROG.tkn C:\Users\mansoor\AppData\Local\Temp\DuetTemp4\ None Wednesday, September 26, 2012 21:20:28
Send Failed 0 of 613499 NetLinx- 0:1:0 snapirouter.jar C:\Users\mansoor\AppData\Local\Temp\DuetTemp4\ Transfer Aborted - Unsupported file type. Wednesday, September 26, 2012 21:20:28
Send Failed 0 of 222 NetLinx- 0:1:0 C:\Users\mansoor\AppData\Local\Temp\DuetTemp4\ Transfer Aborted - Unsupported file type. Wednesday, September 26, 2012 21:20:28
Send Failed 0 of 273755 NetLinx- 0:1:0 VirtualKeypad_dr1_0_0.jar C:\Users\mansoor\AppData\Local\Temp\DuetTemp4\ Transfer Aborted - Unsupported file type. Wednesday, September 26, 2012 21:20:28
Send Complete 11248 of 11248 NetLinx- 0:1:0 VirtualKeypad.src C:\Users\mansoor\Downloads\VirtualKeypad_2_0_1\ None Wednesday, September 26, 2012 21:20:28
Send Cancelled 0 of 0 NetLinx- 0:1:0 VirtualKeypad_dr1_0_0.jar C:\Users\mansoor\Downloads\VirtualKeypad_2_0_1\ Item transfer has not started in 25 secs. Cancelling Item transfer. Wednesday, September 26, 2012 21:20:28
1: Downloaded NDT-VKP
2: Extracted & opened in workspace.
3: Set as active system.
4: opened AXS virtual keypad file in NS & Build as active system
5: Quick upload file which give me there files to upload , the files are Virtualkepad_2_0_1\Virtualkeypad.src , Virtualkepad_2_0_1\Virtualkeypad_dr1_0_0. jar & Virtualkepad_2_0_1\Virtualkeypad.tkn.
Next it gives me the following errors.
6: Send Failed 0 of 1108591 NetLinx- 0:1:0 devicesdkrt.jar C:\Users\mansoor\AppData\Local\Temp\DuetTemp4\ Transfer Aborted - Unsupported file type. Wednesday, September 26, 2012 21:20:28
Send Complete 19581 of 19581 NetLinx- 0:1:0 PROG.tkn C:\Users\mansoor\AppData\Local\Temp\DuetTemp4\ None Wednesday, September 26, 2012 21:20:28
Send Failed 0 of 613499 NetLinx- 0:1:0 snapirouter.jar C:\Users\mansoor\AppData\Local\Temp\DuetTemp4\ Transfer Aborted - Unsupported file type. Wednesday, September 26, 2012 21:20:28
Send Failed 0 of 222 NetLinx- 0:1:0 C:\Users\mansoor\AppData\Local\Temp\DuetTemp4\ Transfer Aborted - Unsupported file type. Wednesday, September 26, 2012 21:20:28
Send Failed 0 of 273755 NetLinx- 0:1:0 VirtualKeypad_dr1_0_0.jar C:\Users\mansoor\AppData\Local\Temp\DuetTemp4\ Transfer Aborted - Unsupported file type. Wednesday, September 26, 2012 21:20:28
Send Complete 11248 of 11248 NetLinx- 0:1:0 VirtualKeypad.src C:\Users\mansoor\Downloads\VirtualKeypad_2_0_1\ None Wednesday, September 26, 2012 21:20:28
Send Cancelled 0 of 0 NetLinx- 0:1:0 VirtualKeypad_dr1_0_0.jar C:\Users\mansoor\Downloads\VirtualKeypad_2_0_1\ Item transfer has not started in 25 secs. Cancelling Item transfer. Wednesday, September 26, 2012 21:20:28
My first suggestion would be check the AMX University schedule and sign up for a class near you. The forum is a great tool, but it cannot be the only tool to learn about the AMX product line and the development tools.
Second, what are you transferring? The TKN is all that you need. If the JAR exists in your workspace, and then you compile the project, all of the data is contained within the compiled TKN.
Hi Chris , I booked the programming classes but due to busy schedule i had to cancel . I will re book soon , till then i just want to do some basic stuff to refresh . I will upload the duet firmware & then try to load only .TKN . Many Thanks !
Chris , I flashed the master with Duet firmware , now the Virtual key pad is accessible via web interface. Also i have notice that i have the new web interface the one i practiced with in classroom on DVX 2100-HD master . Thanks you so much you are a star !
Bluray is connected to IR port 9 on NI 3000 . DPS is 5001:9:1 & i can control it from Netlinx studio.
I would appreciate your help Thanks !
Additionally, the sample code that came with the module includes the core code structure needed to complete what you are asking for. You should easily be able to add your IR file to the workspace using studio, define your BluRay device in the existing Define_Device section, and add the proper syntax to the Define_Event section that is already included in the sample source.
As you have seen, there are a number of great programmers on the board, but most will expect you to do your part and make an effort to do it on your own first. If they jump right in and do it for you, there is little to be learned or gained from that.