AMX Audio Intercom Help
I wonder if anybody out there has tried or used the AMX_Intercom_v1_11_04232012 module. I have a project that needs this module and it will be used with 9 Modero X panels and 4 iPads. The problem I am having is that the Intercom doesn't play ringing sounds. So there is no way for the end user to know that a call is being placed other than keep looking at the touch panel screen for the incoming call Message Popup. I contacted AMX tech support and they said that this bug was never fixed. I tried implementing the Ringing Timeline from the AMX Video Chat module, but no rings play. I was looking at the debug messages and notification in Netlinx Studio and the files are being sent correctly to the source and destination touch panels. *See attached UI code. Apparently, once the ^ICS command is sent the panels cannot play any audio file. In this case, the ^ICS command needs to be sent only when the call is accepted (Answer Button pressed). Has anyone found a fix for this or has edited the module so it works correctly? I can't believe that AMX would release an Intercom module that doesn't ring... I put a request to AMX, Stephen from AMX Tech support tried to help me, but said that the UI needs to be rewritten. I am also trying AMX Professional Services, but according to Stephen they won't be taking Custom Programming jobs anymore as of the 1st of 2013. Any suggestions or help will be well appreciated. Our attempts to fix the module UI are attached.
I did two jobs several years ago that tried implementing the Met-EComm with the intercom feature. Very sporatic behavior from both the door chime and panel-to-panel calling. I did have to modify the chime sound loaded into the panels and adjust the UI accordingly. I don't remember exactly what I had to do to get it working, and even then the panel wouldn't always play the chime correctly. Run diagnostics/control device and send the SOU commands with the sound file name to see how the panel responds to the timing of these commands. I seem to recall something about the timing of the commands for playing a sound. Good luck.
Frank Krauch, CTS, ACE
I don't recall the module having any issues with playing ringtones - though I can't speak directly to the version of the module specified. As you said, the Videocom module ringing works.
The latest version appears to be 2.12 from I know there was some effort recently to add BT capability for the handset and I don't recall there being any issues with ringing when testing. Are you tied specifically to that version? Or can you use the latest download and see if that addresses the issue?
I can't speak for the iPad/TPC app, but the module I referenced should work with all AMX panels and should have all the functions available you need. I would be surprised if it removed any features (ie, broadcast) you require.
Ironically, I don't typically use modules in my day-to-day activities, so I can't speak intelligently about how easy it is to add to existing programs/modules. I do believe the port can be configured, but I'm not familiar enough with the module to provide clear instructions on how to do so.
I'm unable to assist you in fixing that particular version of the module. I suggest you try the latest module in a sandbox and see if it addresses your needs. I would be surprised if it did not.
Edit: I may have been wrong about the ringing for intercom specifically. My setup was using SIP, and we have advanced knowledge of the incoming call so we can ring first before changing sampling rates. Extra effort may indeed be required to change the call flow for an intercom call to get ringing to work as you require. Sorry for the confusion.
Second Edit:
It seems that is the SIP module only. My apologies. You have the latest intercom module. Since I was completely off base, I'm loading the module now to see if I can offer any suggestions for changes.
Your suggested module didn't work. I just tried it as it is, just loading the pages to the TPs, without any code changes. The hardware I used to test was:
- NI-4100
- MXD-1000
- MXD-700
- iPad (TPControl)
It looks like this module was designed for the previous version of Panels and doesn't fully support the Modero X Panels and Ipad without some major changes to the module. It dates back to 2009. It is page dependent what makes it hard to adapt to an existing project. It doesn't detect the panels online correctly and populates the list, you have to enter addresses manually. Some of the features didn't even work. There are just to many bugs on it. Again, I loaded as it is without code modifications. The pages loaded corectly, but most of features don't work. The other module I tested (AMX_Intercom_v1_11_04232012 module), everything worked fine, but the ringing tones. So, I am back to squsre 1, needing help...
Does the sound keeps playing until the receiving panel presses ANSWER or it plays only once? What I am looking for is for the sound to play many times until the receiving party answers, like in a real Intercom system. The AMX Video Chat module has this feature using a timeline. I tried the same approach but because the ^ICS command is sent first, the panel speaker never plays the audio files, even though the timeline is sending the files every 5 seconds. You can see my timeline on the attachment of this original post at the end of the code. Somehow we need to establish the Intercom Call connection when the receiving party answers not when the calling party is trying to communicate. The first part of the CASE 7 works great for when the panel is on Auto Answer, but the second part should somehow be established when the other party answers. Thanks for the help though. We are getting closer...
Others might consider doing what we did, electing to rewrite those limitations out when we did our intercom code.
Rather than have the directory look different on each panel (people get used to looking in a specific spot for a button, don't like it when they jumble around), we show the calling TP in the list, and also show panels that are offline in the list. We mark them with color and a tag ("This Panel" and "OFFLINE") and also tag with DO NOT DISTURB, BUSY, etc. if the panel is so set. This eliminates support calls by the confused users as well.
It turns out that it's really a convenience to be able to call the door (we lock it in auto answer), enabling the customer to speak to the gardener, or to the kids by the pool, or to the mailperson, without requiring them to initiate the call.
The pool scenario is particularly useful, since the customer can monitor the video to watch the kids, and holler at them for too much horseplay, or call them for lunch. Handy, and no actual reason not to allow it.
Similarly, we added the option of including door units in PAGING. Again, having the option is nice and makes the door units more versatile for different kinds of locations.... laundry room, cashier station, workshop.
Can you attach your AMX_Intercom_UI file to your replying message. I saw some variables and a counter which are defined outside the CASE 7, which maybe the trick to this problem. I have a NI-4100, 2 Modero X Panels and one iPad ready to test this module. As I am standing now, I can play the sound only once with Stephen's modification on the other attached file of this original message. Thanks,
Sounds are only be played once, for the duration of the sound unless interrupted by another sound. That's why the modules use timelines to continue to play the sounds.
Looking at the message trace, ^ICS is sent very early on in the call flow which is what is truncating any sound and preventing a ringer.
I've forwarded your request on to see if he can offer any suggestions.
What we need is to move part of the code from CASE 7 to CASE 17. In this case, when CASE 7 is running and the receiving panel is not on Auto Answer, it should keep ringing the receiving panel until it presses the ANSWER button on the TP, which then runs CASE 17 and establishes the communications. The AMX Video Chat does that nicely using a timeline. I am sure the person that wrote the Module should be able to fix this without problems. In my case, as the module is quite complex I am having a hard time fixing it, that’s why I need help from AMX. Again we need to use this module because it is compatible with the new Modero X panels, the iPads and has all the Intercom features requested by the client (monitoring, privacy mode, page all, etc). On my test bench right now everything is working but the ringing tones... I hope we can have an answer to this.
I'm afraid I can't. It has a lot of customizations in it and as a contractor, I don't own the code to post freely. It shouldn't be that hard to figure it out though. I don't think there is anything in case 7 that required variables declared elsewhere.
EDIT Sorry I forgot about this section in define_program
and this in define_variable
Thanks for all your help. The ringer now works and I like the ability to set up the number of rings , but once I press ANSWER the call doesn't connect. I believe you still have some of your variables being reference on other cases, especiall CASE 17 (Answer) and CASE 18 (Ignore). Is it posible to get the other cases as well and any others that references your variables. Again, thanks for being so helpfull.
Case 8 as well (END A CALL)
Right you are, sorry, just being my lazy self. I don't think case 8 is different though.
I would like to thank you very much for taking the time to help me on this Intercom issue. Now, with your help it is working properly. I had to edit CASE 18 a little to accomodate the correct update with your variables. See the attached UI file. I am attaching the file here, so other dealers can use it and avoid a few days of headaches like I had.
Due to the change on the variables the existing code wasn't sending correctly the message 'Call Rejected' to the panel that initiated the call. Also the Wait 5 is to short to clear the message, only half a second. I changed to Wait 30, 3 seconds and Wait 50 might be ideal. Your program also will needs this change to update correctly the feedback on the calling touch panel. Thanks again for helping me on this matter... you've saved my day!!!
" I took a look at the code and it isn’t dissimilar to what I’ve tried to do in the past. Please keep in mind that this code will only work for a single panel to panel intercom session. If a panel is ringing, and someone else tries to initiate an intercom call, when the first person answers the call they will be talking to the second person that initiated the intercom call, not the person that was calling them. For that reason I didn’t recommend this modification because it isn’t 100% reliable given the proper circumstances. A complete rewrite of the UI would still be required to do this right and make it reliable under any circumstance. "
So, a_riot42 , you have the same problem, the approach they offered you then was more a Band-Aid than a real solution. So, I am trying to convince AMX to rewrite the UI, I don't know when, but I feel sad that AMX releases an Intercom module that doesn't even ring the calls...
I faced the similar issue few years back. Here is a module which i wrote to resolve the lack of ringing during calls. I have tried this code in a few sites.
Please post back if this helps.