Precis has stopped working

I have an installation that was working fine for several years but now the Precis is responding to zone polling with the message:
Any other commands sent to the device get the response:
Has anyone else seen these errors and know what is going on?
Line 1 (10:31:14):: String From [5001:2:1]-[~#13#10IOS> a#13#10Invalid selection.#13#10IOS> p#13#10warning: Reprogramming ap] Line 2 (10:31:14):: String From [5001:2:1]-[plication block will erase journal.#13#10Reprogram the application b] Line 3 (10:31:14):: String From [5001:2:1]-[lock? ('y' to confirm, 'n' to cancel): p#13#10Cancelled.#13#10IOS> !#13#10IO] Line 4 (10:31:14):: String From [5001:2:1]-[S> ]
Any other commands sent to the device get the response:
Line 1 (10:52:55):: String From [5001:2:1]-[C#13#10Invalid selection.#13#10IOS> L#13#10Invalid selection.#13#10IOS> 2#13#10IOS> ] Line 2 (10:52:55):: String From [5001:2:1]-[I#13#10Invalid selection.#13#10IOS> 6#13#10IOS> O#13#10Invalid selection.#13#10IOS> ] Line 3 (10:52:55):: String From [5001:2:1]-[1#13#10IOS> T#13#10Invalid selection.#13#10IOS> !#13#10IOS> ]
Has anyone else seen these errors and know what is going on?
In your case I'd try '?' or 'help' to see if you can get anything out of it. "#13#10IOS>" looks like a command prompt.
You're right. It's in a command prompt. (IOS>) Unfortunately I have not found a way to exit. I can have it reboot by pressing 'b' but it shows the error 'IOS intervention forced due to critical journal entry.'
I'm tempted to issue the command for 'erase journal'.
This problem happened to me too on a Precis DSP 18x18. What a pain. Anyway, the exact command I sent to the Precis to erase the journal was simply 'jy' ('j for journal and y for yes).
I hope this helps because I hadn't seen that exact command to fix the problem written down anywhere. If you use a terminal application, it may be more obvious but I didn't want to unhook everything and set up the terminal app from my Mac. I just used a NetLinx telnet session and sent:
send_string 5001:5:1, 'jy'
where 5001:5:1 is the AMX server port connected to the Precis.